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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Distribution of responsibilities


8.Adult education and training

8.1Distribution of responsibilities

Last update: 7 March 2025

A number of entities providing lifelong learning and training programmes in Malta fall within the remit of the Ministry for Education (MFED). These include the Lifelong Learning Unit within the Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability (DRLLE) which, besides providing a wide array of courses, is also responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Malta National Lifelong Learning Strategy 2020.  Additionally, this Unit is the national coordinator of the EU Agenda for Adult Learning. 

The entities falling within the remit of the Ministry for Education which provide lifelong learning education are:

•    The Lifelong Learning Unit which runs courses of studies up to Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) level 4 which are accredited by the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority;
•    The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), also a self-accrediting institution providing post-secondary, higher education and tertiary level courses up to MQF level 7;
•    The University of Malta, which is a self-accrediting institution providing programmes of studies at post-secondary and tertiary level up to MQF level 8.

The Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS), which provides programmes aimed at the tourism industry, falls within the remit of the Ministry for Tourism and Consumer Protection. This institute, which is a self-accrediting institution, provides courses up to MQF level 6.

Jobsplus, which mainly targets persons who are seeking employment and also provides upskilling courses for people in employment, falls within the remit of the Ministry for Finance and Employment.

The Institute for Public Services within the Office of the Prime Minister is the central training organisation of the Public Service, providing training to Public Service employees at all levels from technical and clerical staff to top management. The Institute is a legal entity set up under the Education Act in partnership with the University of Malta and the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST). This not only facilitates the accreditation of the training programmes offered but also ensures that the tertiary-level training needs of public officers are adequately catered for.
The Malta Further & Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), although it does not provide training, is responsible for accrediting the programmes not provided by self-accrediting institutions, for validating informal and non-formal learning and for quality assurance.

The Ministry for Education and Jobsplus also work with private enterprises to incentivise training and learning initiatives.