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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.7Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation

Last update: 3 December 2024

Bilateral agreements

Bilateral cooperation in the areas of education, youth, science, and sport takes place in compliance with commitments arising from valid bilateral agreements the Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth of the Slovak Republic entered into with countries from as well as outside of Europe. In addition to intergovernmental bilateral agreements, the Slovak Republic also enters into sectorial agreements at the level of ministries.  Priorities and the direction of bilateral cooperation are in line with the direction of the Slovak Republic’s international and European policies created every year by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic. The list of bilateral agreements is published on the website of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth of the Slovak Republic.

Details of each document's content are based on the current cooperation with a given country. Bilateral agreements on cooperation in science, education, culture, and youth typically contain declarative statements on: 

  • exchange of information on both countries' education systems,
  • implementation of joint programmes, studies and other activities in different areas of science and technology, 
  • exchange of scientific and professional workers through joint research programmes,
  • scholarships and exchange stays of higher education students, teachers or scientific and research staff, 
  • informing each other on conferences, symposia and other scientific events to support the participation of the two countries' scientists in these meetings, 
  • exchange of materials, publications, results of joint scientific research, and scientific and technological documentation, 
  • direct cooperation between ministries, universities, educational institutions, academies, and other basic and applied research institutions,
  • organising exhibitions and scientific-technological exhibits, 
  • or mutual support of teaching the state language in the partner state.



Agreement on Cultural Cooperation between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the People’s Republic of China. (Dohoda o kultúrnej spolupráci medzi vládou Slovenskej republiky a vládou Čínskej ľudovej republiky)(Bratislava, 7. 10. 1999; valid without limitation of time from 19. 4. 2001)

Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the People´s Republic of China on Scientific and Technical Cooperation. (Beijing, 17. 2. 1997; valid without limitation of time from 17. 2. 1997)

Programme of Cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China for 2016- 2019. (Beijing, 26. 11. 2015; valid until a new agreement is concluded)

  • scholarship exchanges of higher education students, doctoral students, and scientific and teaching staff,
  • and mutual support of institutions teaching the Chinese language and literature and the Slovak language and literature. Exchange courses for Chinese language teachers and Slovak language teachers.



Agreement on Cooperation between the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba. (Havana, 17. 11. 1997; valid without limitations);

Agreement between the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba on the Slovak-Cuban Joint Scholarship Programme. (Bratislava, 5.2.2016; valid without limitations);



Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of Arab Republic of Egypt on Cooperation in Science, Education, Culture and Sport. (Dohoda medzi vládou Slovenskej republiky a vládou Egyptskej arabskej republiky o spolupráci v oblasti vedy, školstva, kultúry a športu) (Cairo, 28. 8. 2016; valid from 9. 2. 2017; concluded for 5 years, the validity will be automatically extended by 5 years);

Programme of Cooperation in the Area of Education and Science for Years 2003 – 2006 between the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Arab Republic of Egypt. (Cairo, 11. 12. 2003; valid from 10. 1. 2004 until a new agreement is concluded);

  • short-term mutual exchange of scientific staff or professors from higher education institutions and other institutions participating in study programmes,
  • long-term mutual exchange of scientific staff or professors from higher education institutions and other institutions participating in study programmes, doctoral students and students of first and second-level higher education study programmes, 
  • Arabic studies, egyptology, and other fields of study the parties show interest in, 
  • support of teaching the other party’s language and literature in the form of summer courses and secondment of teachers, 
  • participation of scientific staff involved in higher education in conferences, symposia, and other scientific events, 
  • exchange of information on conferences, symposia, and other scientific events, exchange of scientific research results, publications and technical documentation.



Agreement on Cooperation in Culture, Art, Education, Science, Tourism, Sport and Mass Media between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the Republic of India. (Dohoda medzi vládou Slovenskej republiky a vládou Indickej republiky o spolupráci v oblasti kultúry, umenia, vzdelávania, vedy, turistiky, športu a masovo-komunikačných prostriedkov); (New Dehli, 11. 3. 1996; valid from 12. 3. 1997; the validity will be automatically extended by 5 years); 

Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the Republic of India on Scientific and Technological Cooperation. (Bratislava, 9. 10. 1996; valid without limitation of time);



Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Indonesia on Cooperation in the Fields of Science, Education, Culture, Sports and Youth. (Dohoda medzi vládou SR a vládou Indonézskej republiky o spolupráci v oblasti vedy, vzdelávania, kultúry, športu a mládeže) ;(Jakarta, 29. 3. 2010; valid without limitation of time);

  • joint programmes, studies, and other activities in different fields of science and technology;
  • providing help with the ongoing education system reform and simplifying mutual recognition of certificates of education and qualification;
  • mutual exchange of scientists, experts, teachers, academic and administrative staff, students, and artists for them to participate in study, training, research and specialisation in their educational, cultural and scientific-technological institutions;
  • exchange of experts, information and scientific publications in pre-primary, primary, secondary, vocational and higher education provided through formal and non-formal education;
  • cooperation in the area of youth and sport at the level of experts, researchers, and workers with youth and young people.



Program of Cooperation between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the State of Israel in the Fields of Education, Science, Culture, Youth and Sport for Years 2017-2019. (Jerusalem, 12.9.2016; valid 11.11.2016 to 31.12.2019, the validity is automatically extended by 3 years);

  • exchange of information, experience, documentation and experts in the following areas:
    • school system,
    • teacher training and lifelong learning of teachers,
    • organisation and managing of schools, 
    • regulations in education (such as staff regulations for teachers, etc.),
    • Education of pupils with disabilities and SEN,
    • school decentralisation and autonomy,
    • citizenship education and gender equality education,
    • education of gifted children,
    • cultural and religious integration of minorities (including joint projects),
    • anti-drug programmes (including joint projects),
    • teaching foreign languages,
    • formal and non-formal education,
    • comparative learning (i. e. literature, cinema, etc.),
    • inclusive education, 
    • culture and heritage,
    • adult education (lifelong learning),
    • education in science and technology,
    • contribution of the young to communities, 
    • development of life skills,
    • artistic education,
    • vocational education and training and technical education, 
    • technology and innovative industry for schools, teachers, and pupils, 
    • direct cooperation of schools on various projects in the area of information and communication technology. 
  • cooperation in the area of e-learning, including the draft, development, and implementation of software, hardware, and vocational practice, such as digital books, e-learning administration software, distance education environment, teacher training, etc. 
  • preventing the publishing of textbooks that incite racism, antisemitism and xenophobia, to counter prejudice and negative stereotypes. 
  • work in the area of research and education, inclusion of the topic of holocaust into school curricula, and support of educational activities implemented by schools at all levels that focus on fighting racism and antisemitism.



Memorandum between the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Cooperation in the Field of Education. (Memorandum medzi Ministerstvom školstva Slovenskej republiky a Ministerstvom školstva a vedy Kazašskej republiky o spolupráci v oblasti vzdelávania);(Astana, 3. 11. 2009; valid from 2. 11. 2012; the validity is automatically extended by 3 years);



Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea on Cooperation in the Field of Education. (Memorandum o porozumení medzi Ministerstvom školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR a Ministerstvom školstva Kórejskej republiky o spolupráci v oblasti vzdelávania); (Seoul, 21. 2. 2018);



Agreement on Cooperation between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the United States of Mexico in the Fields of Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (Dohoda medzi vládou Slovenskej republiky a vládou Mexika v oblasti vzdelávania, mládeže, športu a kultúry). (Mexico, 21. 11. 2017; valid from 27. 7. 2018);



Programme of Cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova. (Program spolupráce medzi  Ministerstvom  školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu  Slovenskej republiky a Ministerstvom školstva, kultúry a výskumu Moldavskej republiky); (Kishinev, 20. 9. 2017;  valid from 28. 11. 2017, valid for 5 years, the validity is automatically extended for 5 years); 

  • exchange of information on the structure and organisation of education systems, study plans and curricula, didactic materials; mutual publishing of scientific articles and studies,
  • informing each other on scientific events in the area of education, 
  • if both parties are interested, the organisation of joint projects/programmes for national school system modernisation, 
  • annual study/research exchanges of students of accredited bachelor and master study programmes at public higher education institutions, students of accredited PhD. study programmes at public higher education institutions and external education institutions, and scientific and teaching staff,
  • support of cooperation between universities and other academic institutions in the area of education, research and innovation,
  • drafting an agreement on mutual recognition of certificates of education issued in the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Moldova, 
  • cooperation on the creation of standardised testing tools and methods in the assessment of the quality of results and education at the primary and secondary level of education, mainly in connection with the completion of secondary education by external school-leaving examination ('maturita'),
  • exchange of experience with external and internal assessment of higher education institutions. 
  • exchange of experience and good practices in the use of information and communication technology in education and experience and good practices in school inspection.


Northern Macedonia

Programme of Cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Macedonian Republic in the Area of Education and Science for the Years 2011 – 2015. (Program spolupráce medzi Ministerstvom školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky a Ministerstvom školstva a vedy Macedónskej republiky v oblasti vzdelávania a vedy na roky 2011 - 2015); (Skopje, 13. 4. 2011, the validity of the programme was extended for 2021-2025);

  • exchange of information on educational programmes, content, structure and organisation of educational systems and education system reforms; 
  • mutual exchange of textbooks and other educational books and materials between both countries' educational institutions;
  • exchange of students, scientific and teaching staff; 
  • support of the participation of experts in international congresses, conferences, seminars, colloquia, and symposia held in the territory of the parties; 
  • creation of direct contacts and cooperation between institutions of primary, secondary (including vocational) and higher education in both countries; 
  • support of direct cooperation between scientific institutions and research centres; exchange of scientific institutions' employees and researchers; 
  • annual exchange of students of accredited first, second and third-level higher education study programmes up to 30 months a year. 
  • exchange of information on valid legal regulations in education to assess possibilities of mutual recognition of certificates of education, length of study, diplomas, scientific titles and titles awarded by HEIs; 
  • support of mutual participation of scholarship recipients and specialists in international events held in either of the two countries. 



Programme of Cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia in the Area of Education for Years 2016-2020. (Program spolupráce medzi MŠVVa SR a MŠVaTR Srbskej republiky v oblasti vzdelávania na roky 2016 - 2020); (Bratislava, 8. 11. 2016, valid until a new Programme of Cooperation is signed)

  • support of direct cooperation between institutions providing pre-primary, primary, secondary, and higher education; support of exchange of school and kindergarten teachers, pupils and students, 
  • exchange of materials, textbooks and publications, directives, teaching plans, and curricula for teachers to improve the educational process, 
  • exchange of information and documentation on the education system of both countries,
  • support of activities focusing on the development of secondary vocational education, mainly in the area of technical professions, automotive industry, services, food industry, agriculture, and tourism,  
  • creation of a work group to define a plan of joint activities, develop and intensify cooperation of secondary vocational schools, exchanges and stays of pupils and teachers, 
  • recognition of certificates of achieved education and academic and scientific degrees and titles in compliance with national regulations,  
  • annual scholarships for a part of the first, second or third level of higher education at the countries' higher education institutions of total length of 36 months a year,
  • exchange of higher education Serbian language and literature teachers and Slovak language and literature teachers to lecture at selected higher education institutions, 
  • support the development of education in the Slovak language for the Slovak national minority in Serbia.



Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on Cooperation in the Field of Science, Education, Culture and Sport. (Dohoda medzi vládou SR a vládou Tureckej republiky o vzájomnej spolupráci v oblasti vedy, vzdelávania, kultúry a športu); (Ankara, 27. 4. 1995; valid without limitation of time);

Programme of Cultural, Educational, Scientific and Sports Exchange between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the Republic of Turkey for 1998 - 2000. (Program kultúrnej, vzdelávacej, vedeckej a športovej výmeny medzi vládou SR a vládou Tureckej republiky na roky 1998 - 2000);(Ankara, 30. 4. 1998; valid until a new agreement is concluded);



Agreement on Scientific-Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
(Kyjev, 2. 12. 2002; valid without limitation of time)

Agreement between the Government of the Slovak republic and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning the mutual recognition of equivalence of documents on education issued in the Slovak republic and the Ukraine. (Dohoda medzi vládou Slovenskej republiky a Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajiny o akademickom vzájomnom uznávaní rovnocennosti dokladov o vzdelaní vydaných v Slovenskej republike a na Ukrajine); (Bratislava, 8. 4. 2014; valid without limitation of time)

  • This agreement concerns certificates of education issued by schools in the Slovak Republic and the certificates of education issued by schools or an authorised body of state power in Ukraine, as well as other certificates that confirm the respective period of study, exams taken, grades received, and vocational practice during the study.  The following certificates are considered equal: certificates on completing lower-secondary education, vocational secondary education, full general secondary education, full vocational secondary education, higher vocational education, first level of higher education, second level of higher education, and third level of higher education.

Programme of Cooperation in the Field of Education between the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the Years 2005 -2008. (Program spolupráce medzi Ministerstvom školstva SR a Ministerstvom vzdelávania a vedy Ukrajiny v oblasti vzdelávania na roky 2005 - 2008); (Bratislava, 12. 12. 2005; valid until a new agreement is concluded);

  • The countries will send and receive students, trainees and doctoral students every year. 
  • To improve the quality of teaching the Slovak and Ukrainian languages and further development of Slovak studies and Ukrainian studies at higher education institutions in Ukraine and the Slovak Republic, the countries will send a lector (see Glossary) of the Slovak language and literature to Uzhhorod National University and a lector of the Ukrainian language and literature to the Faculty of Arts of the University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica
  • Summer seminar in the Slovak language and culture STUDIA ACADEMICA SLOVACA and summer courses in the Ukrainian language, literature and Ukrainian studies. 
  • scholarships for up to 14-day language-professional courses for teachers of primary and secondary schools with a national minority language of instruction. 
  • support of direct cooperation between secondary schools and higher education institutions and local school administrations of both countries which are responsible for pupils' and young people's study and recreation. 
  • Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic will give increased attention to the development of the Slovak language, literature, and Slovak studies in the Ukraine. Therefore, upon Ukraine's request, Slovakia will send teachers of the Slovak language and literature and other general education subjects. 


United Kindom

Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and The British Council Slovakia for the years 2022 – 2027. (Memorandum o porozumení medzi Ministerstvom školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky a Britskou radou Slovensko na roky 2022 – 2027); (Bratislava, 8. 12. 2021, valid until 31. 12. 2027);

  • development of teaching English in primary schools, secondary schools and higher education institutions in the territory of the Slovak Republic and further education institutions, as well as organisations teaching the English language: 

    • coordination and provision of jointly managed English language teaching projects (English Language Teaching projects / ELT); 

    • cooperation with Slovak partners when organising workshops and seminars for people providing English language teaching in primary schools,
      secondary schools, higher education institutions and further education;

    • promotion of organisations teaching the English language;

  • educational projects focusing on better quality and innovation, mainly: 

    • creating mutually beneficial partnerships between schools and school systems in the Slovak Republic and the United Kingdom focusing on the development of inclusive education in schools;

    • in higher education and lifelong learning, regional education and teaching;

    • in science and research;

    • provision of information to support the abovementioned activities.


United States of America

Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the United States of America Concerning the J. William Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange in the Slovak Republic. (Bratislava, 22. 3. 2005; valid without limitation of time);

Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the United States of America on cooperation in science and technology (Dohoda medzi vládou SR a vládou USA o vedecko-technickej spolupráci). (12. 6. 2008; valid without limitation of time);

Dohoda medzi Ministerstvom školstva Slovenskej republiky a Evanjelickou luteránskou cirkvou v Amerike a Luteránskou cirkvou Missourskej synody v Spojených štátoch amerických upravujúca pôsobenie dobrovoľných učiteľov a pedagógov na evanjelických školách v Slovenskej republike
(Bratislava, 16. 6. 2005);


Cooperation and participation in worldwide programmes and organisation

In 1999 the Slovak Republic joined the Bologne process, the result of which was the creation of a European higher education area based on common principles and background.

The Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth of the Slovak Republic keeps fulfilling tasks arising from its membership in international organisations (OECD, UN, UNESCO, European Council professional organisations ).


Cooperation with UNESCO

Cooperation between the Slovak Republic and UNESCO in the area of education has been developed through the "Associated Schools Project Network". Currently, there are 25 associated schools in Slovakia. The schools put emphasis on education for democracy, tolerance, peace, human rights, international understanding and environmental education. The education sector participates in regular meetings of the Bureau of the Slovak Commission for UNESCO at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, as well as the General Assembly of the Slovak Commission for UNESCO and activities organized by Slovakia for UNESCO.



UNESCO chairs are founded as a part of the UNITWIN programme (University Twinning and Networking Programme)  to support research and development of education. Currently, there are 4 UNESCO chairs in Slovakia. 

  • UNESCO Chair for Human Rights Education at Comenius University in Bratislava was founded on 26. October 1992 based on the agreement between UNESCO and the Comenius University in Bratislava.  The main objective of this UNESCO Chair is to contribute to the building of an integrated system of human rights research, education, information and documents. The expertise of the UNESCO Chair is also valuable to several expert and advisory boards of the Slovak Republic. 
  • UNESCO Department for Ecological Awareness and Sustainable Development in Zvolen offers education in cross-sectional and influential subjects from the area of ecologisation of social development, the implementation of principles of sustainable development, environmental management, environmental legislation, ecological optimisation of the spatial organization of landscape, regional development, integrated management of river-basins and landscapes etc.
  • UNESCO Chair in Plurilingual and Multicultural Communication at Comenius University in Bratislava was established as a follow-up to the UNESCO Chair for Translation, founded in 1998.  Its main research priority is the creation of very large ARANES corpora. Access to language corpora is free of charge. Within Comenius University and other Slovak universities, it contributes mainly to the development of translation techniques using new technologies. ARANEA corpora are used by students, PhD students, educators and researchers from many countries, which confirms that the work of the Chair has a significant "social impact" and is meaningful.
  • UNESCO Chair for the Restoration of an Architectural Heritage at Slovak Technical University in Bratislava represents an effort to create a professional platform for the restoration of architectural heritage issues along with the connection of educational and scientific-research activities of university workplaces into professional and methodic workplaces with the emphasis on the interdisciplinary approach towards the restoration of monuments and ensembles.

UNESCO Learning Cities

Participation in the UNESCO Globa Network of Learning Cities. Currently, the network is comprised of 300 cities from all around the world, which support non-formal educational activities, lifelong learning, instruction at workplaces, using modern educational aids, and education in families and communities. The city of Trnava promotes the development of lifelong learning, creates a network and connects educational institutions, and organises a range of activities focusing on increasing interest in education in all age groups.


Cooperation with the European Council

The Ministry of Education takes an active part in the activities of the European Council, a member of which it has been since 1993. Since 1999 several international projects have been carried out, e.g., Europe at School, Teaching Modern Languages, Education for Democratic Citizenship, study stays, etc. The Slovak Republic is involved in CE programs that are aimed at problems of education of children from disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly, the Romany children.  Another big project was realised by the Council of Europe Centre of Modern Languages in Graz where foreign language teachers from Slovakia are sent to improve their knowledge of languages.

Cooperation with the European Council takes place through the work of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth of the Slovak Republic representatives in regular meetings of advisory bodies to the European Council that concern education, youth and sport.

Participation of representatives of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth of the Slovak Republic in committees/working groups of the European Council:

  • working group/committee
  • Steering Committee for Youth
  • Programme Board of the European Foundation for Youth
  • Steering Committee for Education Policy and Practice (CDPPE)
  • T-RV – Standing Committee for European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports, football matches in particular
  • Sports Division of the European Council, Youth and Sport Directorate – monitoring group of the anti-doping convention RE /TDO/
  • Sports Division of the European Council, Youth and Sport Directorate – ad hoc European Committee for World Anti-doping Agency / CAHAMA/
  • EPAS Betting Regulators


Cooperation with OECD

The Slovak Republic became a member of the OECD in December 2000. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic coordinates activities of the Slovak Republic in relation to OECD on the national level and Slovakia's involvement in professional OECD programmes and projects.

The Ministry of Education sends Slovak delegates to regular meetings of OECD committees: Education Policy Committee (EDPC), the Governing Board of the Centre For Educational Research and Innovation, and Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP) and its workgroups, and other respective groups. 

The Ministry of Education uses OECD expertise almost all the time, mainly when making decisions, and creating analyses and important procedures. Currently, the ministry participates in international measurements organised by OECD: Programme for International Student Assessment (measuring literacy in reading, mathematics and natural sciences of 15-year-old primary and secondary school pupils) – PISA; Teaching and Learning International Survey – TALIS, as well as the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies – PIAAC. The Slovak Republic currently actively participates in two CERI projects: Assessment of students' creative and critical thinking skills (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra) a Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning (Inovatívna výučba pre efektívne učenie sa) (University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica).

The Slovak Republic also has a representative in the Group of National Experts (GNE), which was established as a part of the OECD Review of Policies to Improve the Effectiveness of Resource Use in School. GNE is an advisory body to the OECD Education Policy Committee (EDPC) concerning the methodological support, schedule and the general principles of the project. It aims to ensure the sharing of knowledge and experience on the use of resources, as well as inform on the project results and their implementation.

Slovakia and development aid

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic began to provide official development aid under SlovakAid in 2003, when Slovakia transformed from a recipient to a donor. This change was a result of the positive development of Slovak political and economic situation as well as the integration into strategic international structures (EU, OECD, NATO). The official development cooperation became an integral part of Slovak foreign policy. More than 400 projects have been implemented in almost 40 countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe in 10 years. In 2013, the Slovak Republic became a member of the Development Aid Council of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (DAC OECD).

Slovakia offers development cooperation to partner countries intending to contribute to sustainable development mainly through:

  • development of the human potential of partner states, mainly through the support of education and employment;
  • support of democracy and good public administration including the dialogue between civil society and state institutions.

Medium-term Strategy for Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for 2019 - 2023 (Strednodobá stratégia rozvojovej spolupráce SR na roky 2019 -2023) reflects new requirements imposed on the system of Slovak development cooperation which are a result mostly of the accession process and membership of the Slovak Republic in OECD/DAC2. It defines the vision, targets, and principles of Slovak Aid, basic programmes as well as tools to be used in these programmes. The document also defines the territorial and sector priorities of Slovak Aid and the control mechanism.  

The Slovak Government extended the Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for 2019–2023 by one year in its Decree no. 620/2023 (uznesenie vlády SR č. 620/2023). Following the decree, the minister of foreign and European affairs of the Slovak Republic extended the validity of each Slovakia's strategy for development cooperation with three programme countries (so-called Country Strategic Paper/CSP) - Kenya, Moldova, and Georgia.

Among the sectoral priorities, the priority is education at all levels of schools, acquisition of professional skills focusing on entering the labour market and own entrepreneurship, education of teaching and non-teaching staff, and equipment of school facilities. For example, 'Quality Education' sectoral priority brought a successful completion of a project focusing on building inclusive education in a kindergarten in Georgia.  Development Cooperation for 2019-2023 was also implemented in the regions of the Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership of the EU, Eastern Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Afghanistan.



The Slovak Republic participates in studies of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). In 2022, the Slovak Republic and other 24 countries participated in the IEA project: International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS). In 2021, the Slovak Republic participated in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and in 2023, in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), which focuses on measuring knowledge and skills in mathematics and natural sciences of 8th-grade pupils of primary schools or 4th-grade pupils of 8-year gymnasiums.