Normative Funding of Kindergartens
In January 2025, an amendment to the Act on the Financing of Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, and School Facilities (Act No. 290/2024 Coll.) came into effect, introducing changes to the kindergarten funding. The previous system, in which kindergartens were funded from the self-government's revenues, will be replaced by funding from the state budget—specifically from the budget of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Youth of the Slovak Republic.
The funding will be implemented through a normative system, similar to that of primary and secondary schools. Financial resources will be provided to school founders through regional school administration offices based on the seat of the founder’s headquarters.
Additionally, the existing education and training allowance will be abolished. It will be replaced by a new allowance designated for financing activities such as schools in nature, trips, excursions, sauna visits, sports training, and other activities in accordance with the school’s educational programme. This allowance is primarily intended for children for whom pre-primary education is mandatory or for children from households in material need. The funding of school meals will continue to be covered by personal income tax revenues.
No reforms were implemented in this area.
Catalogue of support measures
In September 2023, an amendment to the Education Act became effective which introduced the Catalogue of Support Measures (Katalóg podporných opatrení). More information is available in Chapter 14.2 Reforms in School Education.
Legal entitlement to pre-primary education
In May 2023, an amendment to the Education Act was approved, which introduces the legal entitlement to a place in kindergarten (ECEC facility for children 3 years and over). The implementation of the reform will be gradual. From the school year 2024/2025, children aged 4 will be legally entitled to a place in kindergarten. This entitlement will be extended to children aged 3 from the school year 2025/26.
Kindergartens provide pre-primary education on work days and during school instruction time for at least four hours a day. Kindergartens can provide pre-primary education of less than four hours a day to children with health disadvantages upon the parent’s request.
Reform of the counselling system
A reform of the counselling system was introduced as of 1 January 2023. For more information see chapter Reforms in early childhood education and care.