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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Short-cycle higher education


7.2. First-cycle programmes

7.2.2Short-cycle higher education

Last update: 25 November 2024

Short-cycle higher education programmes in the Slovak system of education are currently completely absent.

However, the legislative implementation of the possibility to offer short-cycle study programmes is envisaged and so is the subsequent support of their implementation into the system of education. After the pilot implementation of these programmes at higher education institutions, the involvement of providers of such programmes from subjects outside higher education institutions will be considered. Specific measures and dates of their implementation are elaborated in the Action Plan: Strategy of Lifelong Learning and Lifelong Guidance (Akčný plán k Stratégii celoživotného vzdelávania a poradenstva na roky 2022-2024) as well as the Long-term Intention in Education, Research, Development, Arts, and Other Creative Activities for the Area of Higher Education Institutions (Dlhodobom zámere vo vzdelávacej, výskumnej, vývojovej, umeleckej a ďalšej tvorivej činnosti pre oblasť vysokých škôl). One of the planned measures mentioned in the document says that the Ministry of Education will initiate the creation of legislation and support the creation of short-cycle tertiary education programmes so that they are permeable towards higher education and complementary to the lifelong learning system. The legislation will be created in 2025 and the proposed legislation will be then passed and implemented in 2026.