An action plan for pre-primary schools
Running period: from 2023 onwards
Status : Ongoing
Responsible authorities: Rectors, with the support of vice-rectors, academic directors and inspectors, directors of public and private pre-primary and elementary schools under state contract, school teachers, trainers, etc.
Reaffirming the crucial role of pre-primary school in pupils' schooling, and enabling them to enter the first year of primary school with confidence and success :
- ensuring well-being at school and enjoyment of learning,
- giving everyone an equal chance to succeed,
- guaranteeing ambitious learning programmes adapted to the development of each child.
This action plan aims to mobilise a number of essential levers:
- strengthening the skills and knowledge of all those involved,
- consolidating educational partnerships with the family and local authorities.
Main measures adopted:
- A multi-year training plan :
- training managers, trainers and resource personnel,
- trainin pre-primary school heads,
- training all nursery school teachers over 6 years, prioritising the content,
- developing cross-category training.
2. Confirming the continuity of the child's and pupil's pathway:
- developing partnerships with early childhood stakeholders,
- strengthening partnerships with families,
- ensuring an effective transition to cycle 2 and primary schools.
Funding and material resources:
Funding: not specified.
Material resources: not specified.
Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms:
Not specified.
There was no major measure in this domain this year.
There was no major measure in this domain this year.