Historical distinction for the Technical and Vocational School of Education and Training Larnaca
For the first time in history, a technical school emerged as the best cooking school in the Mediterranean, outperforming colleges and universities in the 3rd Mediterranean competition cooking in Athens in February 2025.
This is the technical and vocational school of education and training Larnaca, which stood out with the youngest competing students, who won the first place in the category "Mediterranean" school of the year" and proved that talent, hard work and passion can overcome all hindrances.
Results of the Pancyprian exams 2020
The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, referring to the results of the Pancyprian examinations, said that despite the difficulties that arose due to the coronavirus pandemic, the procedures and examinations were carried out properly, with the reliability and validity that they have been established. He said that in proportion, the level corresponding to both the competitive process of access to universities and the process of dismissal, was maintained.
Pupil/student assessment
Both formative and summative evaluations are used to access pupils at the lyceum level. The main assessment methods used in all the three grades and in all subjects are as follows:
● Oral participation.
● Short quizzes. These are given without notice and as often as the teacher chooses.
● Written term tests. These last a full period and are held at least once a term. Teachers are required to inform the deputy headteacher responsible for the class if they intend to give a written term test: pupils should not be given more than one term test in any subject in one day, and no more than three in any one week.
Starting the academic year 2019-2020 Grade A students follow a pilot program and will be taking written (4-month) tests twice a year, in December and June. The program is expected to continue in the year 2020-2021 with students in Grade B.
● Portfolio. This is a file prepared by each pupil, giving an overall picture of their performance in a particular subject.
● Final written examinations: these are held in June every year; pupils in the different grades are examined in different subjects; in Grade A, all pupils are examined in Modern Greek, Mathematics, History, and Physics; in Grades B and C, pupils are examined in Modern Greek, Mathematics and two of their opted stream subjects.
The final examinations in Grades A and B are internally set and administered by the individual school. The curriculum that the pupils will be examined is determined by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The teachers of the school are responsible for compiling and marking the papers.
The examinations in Grade C are centrally organized and set by the Ministry of Education and Culture for all students and are called the 'Pancyprian Examinations'. The Pancyprian Examinations serve both as final school examinations and entrance examinations for the public universities and colleges of Cyprus and Greece.
Marks are awarded on a numerical scale of 1-20, both at the end of the first four-month term and at the end of the school year. Pupils' academic performance is defined according to the number grade they get:
• Excellent: 19-20
• Very Good: 16-18
• Good: 13-15
• Almost Good: 10-12
• Failure: 1-9
The annual mark showing the progress of each pupil in each subject is the average of the marks of the two terms (each term accounting for 35%) and the marks awarded to the final examination (accounting for 30%). The teacher is responsible for the awarding of grades and the grades are approved by the teachers’ assembly.
Progression of pupils/students
Progression of pupils at the Lyceum level is based on the following provisions of Regulations ΚΔΠ 130/2011:
● The minimum pass grade is 10 (satisfactory).
● A pupil is promoted in June if he/she either receives at least a 10 in every subject or if they fail a subject in which there is no final test, with their average grade being at least 10.
● A pupil is required to repeat a class if they have failed 3 or more subjects where they are tested, or they were absent for more than 51 unexcused periods.
● A pupil is promoted in September, after taking a repeat examination with at least a 10 in every subject or, if they fail a subject which has no final test and their average grade is at least 10.
Pupils who are required to repeat a class can only do this at the end of the academic year. Pupils are only allowed to repeat a class twice in one school and for the third year, they repeat a class they have to enroll at a different school.
Pupils that successfully complete Grade A or Grade B of the Lyceum are awarded a certificate that is the only requirement for enrolment to the next grade. The marks obtained by the pupil are indicated on the certificate.
A pupil who graduates from a lyceum after completing Grade C is awarded a lyceum leaving certificate called ‘apolytirio’ (απολυτήριο). The requirements for the apolytirio, are as follows:
● The pupil achieves a grade of at least 10 in all subjects.
● If the pupil has failed a subject that has no final test, they must get an average grade of 10.
● If they have failed a subject in which they take a final test, with a grade of no less than 8, they must achieve an average grade of 12 in all subjects which have a final test.
The marks obtained by the pupil are indicated on the apolytirio. The Lyceum apolytirio is awarded in June of the final lyceum year.
A pupil who fails to gain their certificate in June has the right to retake the examinations in September, February or June for the next three years. If they pass according to the criteria outlined above, they are awarded the lyceum apolytirio.
The Lyceum apolytirio entitles graduates either to pursue further studies or to enter the labor market.
Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures
Athletic Lyceums
Currently, 5 Athletic Lyceums are operating in Cyprus in the major cities of the island with 476 students enrolled in 19 sports.
They all follow the program of the regular Lyceums, with the only exception that they have a few hours per week to practice.
The students need to satisfy the following prerequisites in order to be enrolled in athletic schools:
1. Individual Sports: 1st - 3rd place in the Pancyprian Championships of school and other games.
2. Team Sports: 1st - 3rd place in the Cyprus Championships with at least 50% participation in all competitions of the year he/she enrolls or two national team competitions.
3. Participation in an Olympic sport
4. Participation in clubs subject to sports federations.
During his/her study the student should satisfy the following criteria:
1. A 15/20 grade point average
2. Excellent behavior.
3. Participation in competitions and championships of schools and federations.
4. Participation in the afternoon training of his team.
5. Individual Sports: 1st - 3rd place in the Pancyprian Championships of school and other games.
6. Team Sports: 1st - 3rd place in the Cyprus Championships with at least 50% participation in all competitions of the year he/she enrolls or two national team competitions.
Athletic Lyceum students follow the same program as the other Lyceum students. In addition to their regular studies, they attend athletic courses/practice for 2 periods three times a week. In addition, they practice for 2 days per week in the afternoon (Tuesdays and Thursdays) for 3 periods each day. During their studies, they are offered support when preparing for the national exams.
Musical Lyceums
The Musical Lyceums operate today in the 5 free cities of Cyprus in order to bring our country closer to the cultural and musical events of Europe. The quality and remarkable work and the multifaceted contribution of the Music Schools enable their students, as tomorrow's citizens, to contribute to the music and cultural development of our country, while at the same time placing it in a dignified place that will leave it its stigma in the wider world culture.
The Musical Lyceums are designed within the existing educational system in the form of an All-Day School. With the expansion of the institution into the Gymnasium cycle, the goal to make six-grade Musical schools has been achieved. Students attend the morning lesson program, with the music class being enhanced in all classes and the remainder of the afternoon specials.
For the operation of the Musical Lyceums, the Ministry of Education has provided the necessary laboratory infrastructure in the Gymnasiums and Lyceums where the Musical schools are hosted, in particular the Pancyprian Gymnasium and the Acropolis Gymnasium in Nicosia, Lanitio Gymnasium and Lyceum in Limassol, St. George Lyecum and Drosia Gymnasium in Larnaca, Kokkinochoria Lyceum and Gymnasium in Frenaros (Famagusta), and the Secondary School of Makarios III and Nicolaidio Gymnasium in Paphos.
The Entrance Exams and Hearings for Musical Lyceums are held in the middle of April (time frame varies depending on Easter holiday).
The exams for the first grade of the Lyceum include a series of musical activities, especially child-friendly, aimed at diagnosing of their musical abilities and prospects. Pre-existing musical knowledge and skills in performing a musical instrument are not prerequisites for admission.
Entrance exams in all Musical Lyceums take place in May - June and include:
⦁ Written exams on theory including all the material of the theory up to the chapter of the concerts (sample essays are provided on the websites of the Music Schools).
⦁ Musical instrument examinations (Candidates present to the Evaluation Committee at least two musical plays at the musical instrument-level that they are engaged).
⦁ Melodic and rhythmic perception
All Musical Lyceums offer candidate preparation courses prior to the exam period.
Musical Lyceum students follow the same program as the other Lyceum students. In addition to their regular studies, they attend music courses during the afternoon hours as follows:
⦁ Grade 1 for 8-9 periods in the afternoon
⦁ Grade 2 for 6 periods in the morning and 7-8 periods in the afternoon
⦁ Grade 2 for 6 periods in the morning and 5-6 periods in the afternoon
During their studies, they are offered support when preparing for the national exams.
Grant of scholarships to graduates of public Sports and Music Schools
Two scholarships for graduating students of public Sports and of Music Schools will be granted, based on a Memorandum of Cooperation which was signed on February 21 by the Minister of Education, Sports and Youth Mr. and the Managing Director of OPAP Cyprus.
Applications for the scholarships will be submitted to the Secondary General Directorate of Education, after a public announcement of the positions has been made.