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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in vocational secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.6Assessment in vocational secondary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Pupil/students assessment

For vocational education and training the evaluation procedure is based on additive units, or modules.

For each module, there is a specific assessment framework, describing compulsory and selective competences and specifies indicators and minimum standards. When finishing a module, pupils take a test assessing the acquisition of the competences defined for that module. They then receive an assessment report indicating the outcome: not successful / successful / well done / very well done (non réussi, réussi, bien réussi, très bien réussi).

Programmes leading to a DAP or a DT also foresee integrated projects (projets intégrés) at the middle and the end of each programme. These projects allow for an evaluation of the pupil’s complex competences to solve problems related to real or simulated professional situations; and they come as a replacement of the former final exams. Together, the intermediary and the final integrated project constitute an obligatory module of these programmes.

Progression of students

Due to the modular organisation of the assessment, learners who successfully pass a module receive a certification which remains valid for five years. If they have passed all the modules belonging to a professional domain, they obtain a capitalisable unit, which remains valid throughout life.

Single modules that a student has not passed may be repeated individually without obliging the learner to go through the full academic year once again. The standard duration of each programme may be exceeded for one year.


Vocational secondary education leads to different types of certification.

Certificate on the fulfilment of compulsory schooling

Every learner who has fulfilled compulsory schooling can obtain a certificate on this matter. Those who have successfully passed the 9th year of general secondary education receive an additional mention of this success.

Technician’s diploma

The technician’s pathway leads to a Technician’s diploma (DT; diplôme de technicien). This diploma attests that its holder has the competences to exercise his profession, which confirms a detailed and diversified competencies-profile as well as an in-depth general knowledge.

CCP - certificate of vocational ability

The CCP attests that its holder has the basic social and practical competencies to exercise a profession as a semi-qualified worker.

DAP - diploma of vocational ability

The DAP attests that its holder has the competences to exercise their profession as a qualified worker.

The certificates and diplomas are issued by the Education ministry's service for vocational education and training. The descriptive diploma supplement provides a detailed mention of the competences acquired and provides additional information for potential employers in Luxembourg and abroad.

Holders of a DAP and a DT may proceed to higher technical studies in domains corresponding to the speciality indicated on their diploma, under the condition that they pass additional modules.