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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in post-secondary non-tertiary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.9Assessment in post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Pupil/students assessment

Candidates for master craftsman’s diplomas have to take an exam at the end of each module. Marks are established on a scale from 1 to 60.

Evaluation sessions on applied pedagogy, management and professional theory are organised in spring and fall. The final examination on professional practice is organised in spring only and may only be taken by candidates who have successfully passed the professional theory and have got professional experience of at least one year.

Exams of general modules are evaluated by an examination commission composed of members appointed by the minister of Education on the chamber of Trade's proposal.

Exams of profession-related modules are evaluated by  profession-specific examination commissions. Members of these commissions need to hold a master craftsman’s diploma in the profession concerned, or a related field. All members are appointed by the minister of Education, on the proposal of the chamber of Trade or, for additional members, on the joint proposal of the chamber of Trade and the head of the ministry's Service for vocational training.

Candidates who fail a module three times are excluded from the course.

Progression of pupils/students

In order to take their exams, candidates have to attend at least 80% of the courses in which they registered.

Prior to taking exams on the practical part of the profession, candidates need to have passed the modules of the theoretical part.


Candidates have passed their master craftman's exam if they have obtained satisfying or higher marks (> 30 out of 60) for the different modules. If modules are composed of several subjects, the marks are divided by the number of subjects. In case the mark of one subject is less than 20, the candidate cannot obtain the related module.

Master’s certificates are issued by the minister of Education and countersigned by the president of the chamber of Trade. A master craftsman’s diploma allows its holder to work as a self-employed artisan and to train apprentices. It also confers the title of master craftsman.