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Organisational variations and alternative structures in primary education


5.Primary education

5.4Organisational variations and alternative structures in primary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Alternative offers within the public education system

Luxembourg's public education system comprises a large offer of alternative schooling possibilities, mainly based on linguistic choices. Some alternatives concern different pedagogical or organisational aspects of schooling within the national school system.

Newly arrived pupils get integrated as much as possible into the Luxembourg primary schools. They may also benefit from specific support measures (see Schooling of foreign pupils on the ministry of Education's website).

Organisational variations

  • Eis Schoul, situated in Luxembourg-Kirchberg, is an elementary school based on the principles of inclusive pedagogy
  • Jean-Jaurès is a full-day elementary school in Esch-sur-Alzette
  • Villa Mirabella is a full-day elementary school in Wiltz.

European education

Through recent years, Luxembourg has been developing and diversifying its schooling offer in order to meet the needs and wishes of families of different backgrounds, notably expatriates. In addition to the regular Luxembourgish school system, the international public and private school offer allows access to a recognised diploma, independent of state borders. International Schooling is explained on the ministry of Education's website.

Accredited European Schools are set up in EU member States and linked to the European Schools' system by an accreditation agreement. Their educational provision meets the pedagogical requirements laid down for the EU's European Schools (see below under 'European Schools of Luxembourg'), but they are managed within the framework of the national school network.

Like all State-run schools, Luxembourg's public European Schools are financed from the national budget. There are no fees to pay for enrolment. Luxembourgish language is included as a compulsory subject until the 3rd grade of secondary school.

These schools follow the curriculum and programmes of the European Schools  defined by the European Commission.

Accredited European Schools in Luxembourg offer primary and secondary education in English, French and German language sections:

  • École Internationale Edward Steichen, Clervaux (LESC; Lycée Edward Steichen), with a primary school located at the Reuler primary school campus (see LESC brochure)
  • École internationale de Differdange et Esch-sur-Alzette (EIDE), operating as a full-day school (website in French)
  • Lënster Lycée International School, Junglinster (LLIS).

École internationale de Mondorf-les-Bains (EIMLB) includes primary classes in French and English, with an additional first-language choice of Portuguese (see schooling offer, website in French).

In addition to the section languages (German, French and English) pupils of the École internationale Mersch Anne Beffort (EIMAB) will have the opportunity to follow their first language (mother tongue) course in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Luxembourgish will be compulsory for all, from the first year of primary to the third year of secondary education. 

In 2022, the École internationale Gaston Thorn (EIGHT) joined the European school's network in Luxembourg. It offers 7 classes in primary school, divided over three language sections (German, French and English) and the first two school years, as well as 10 classes in secondary school. French, German or English can be chosen as the first or second language in primary school. At secondary level, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish can be chosen as a third language. 

It is planned to extend the school offer from elementary school education to the European Baccalaureate. 

International education

International School Michel Lucius (LML) offers English-speaking Cambridge education leading to the international baccalaureate. The establishment's provision includes primary education.

Private schools

Private schools may choose to apply Luxembourg's national curricula or alternative ones. Parents pay for their children's schooling in private establishments.

Private school applying national curricula

École Privée Notre-Dame (Sainte-Sophie) proposes classes following the official Luxembourgish curricula. It also provides French-style classes meeting the requirements of the French government. School fees vary according to the number of children registered. In primary school, the enrolment fee (school year 2022/23) amounts to € 1 114 per trimester for one child, and decreases with each additional sibling registered. A trimestral fee of € 739 per child is due for the 4th child registered at the school.

Private schools applying alternative curricula

Two establishments propose classes that follow the curriculum and guidelines of the French education system:

  • Lycée Vauban is a member of the network of French schools abroad (AEFE; Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger), recognised by the French government and applying the French national guidelines and syllabi. The educational structure corresponds to the French system. Primary school cycles 2 and 3 of elementary school cater children between the ages of 6 and 11. School fees may be consulted on the school's website (website in French) (in 2022 the fee for one child enrolled in elementary school was € 3 587 per year; fees decrease according to the number of the household's children enrolled)
  • Sainte-Sophie Luxembourg also has a French section (École française) recognised by the French government and following the French official syllabi and requirements. This section is monitored by French inspectors.

A number of private schools offer international schooling at primary level:

  • St George's International School applies the national curriculum of England and Wales. Its primary school is made up of Foundation (ages 3-4), Key Stage 1 (ages 5-6), and Key Stage 2 (ages 7-10). St George's International School Luxembourg is a non-profit making entity that charges annual school fees. It receives a subsidy from the Luxembourg State for annual operating expenses, and buildings maintenance and construction costs. In school year 2022/23, annual fees amount to € 13 700 for a pupil in Key Stage 1, and € 14 700 in Key Stage 2
  • International School of Luxembourg (ISL) proposes plurilingual teaching based upon the American education system. Information on school fees can be downloaded from the establishment's website.
  • Waldorfschool applies an alternative curriculum based on the ideas of Rudolf Steiner. Monthly school fees vary according to the number of children registered. Parents pay a monthly € 442.26 for one child, and for 5 children € 1 142.53 per month (school year 2022/23)
  • Over the Rainbow International School offers an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum framework that builds conceptual understanding. All the topics are taught by native speaker teachers (French and English). The school is a non-profit organisation that charges annual school fees. It receives an annual subsidy from the Luxembourg Ministry of National Education
  • École Charlemagne
  • École Maria Montessori.

European Schools

The two European Schools of Luxembourg (EEL I and EEL II) were founded by the European governments with a view to imparting multilingual and multicultural education in all of the member States' official languages. These European Schools are funded by the EU and the EU member states' governments. They are mainly intended for the children of EU institutions' staff members, but other children may also be accepted depending on the school's availability. School fees depend on the parents' status and official entitlement, which distributes the children into 3 categories of pupils.