Participation of the Minister of Education, Sports and Youth (MESY) in the informal meeting of education ministers in Warsaw
The Minister of Education, Sports and Youth (MESY), participated in the proceedings of the informal meeting of ministers of education in Warsaw, on January 21st and 22nd 2025, within the framework of the Polish presidency of the council of the European Union. The theme of the summit was "building a fair, resilient and cohesive Europe through inclusive early childhood and school education".
On the first day of the summit, the education ministers of the 27 member states were invited to discuss the preventive measures and challenges faced by their education systems in the process of implementing inclusive education. In her intervention, the Minister of Education, Sports and Youth (MESY), presented the steps Cyprus has taken so far, since inclusiveness is a key pillar of the policies of the Ministry of Education. The minister referred to initiatives (free pre-primary education from the age of four), national strategies (national strategic plan for the management of violence in schools, code of conduct against racism) and programs (D.R.A.S.E. +, prevention and early intervention programs in preschool age) implemented to ensure that all students have access to quality education and all the necessary supplies and support to thrive. At the same time, she stressed the importance given to skills development and multiple forms of assessment through the updating and modernization of the curricula and the student assessment system. In addition, she highlighted, among other things, the investments made in infrastructure, assistive technologies and professional development and training of teachers, to effectively implement inclusive education practices. In closing, the minister stated that necessary conditions for the transition to inclusive education are "the cooperation of the various actors and the existence of strong monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the implementation of policies", a course that Cyprus is already following.
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)- Experiences and Perspectives
At a conference held by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth (MESY) on November 1, 2024, an update was made on the importance of participating in the program for International Student Assessment (PISA).
The program was prepared through the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute and was addressed to teachers of secondary general education and secondary technical and vocational education and training, public and private schools.
The following interesting presentations were made at the conference:- Cyprus' participation in the PISA Program from 2012 to 2025: Findings, Results, Reflections
- Development of policies and actions to improve school effectiveness
- Enhancing participation in PISA: The role of schools
- Experiences with proofreading PISA proofs and utilization of released material
- Good practices for the implementation of the PISA Program in schools
Cypriot athletes' distinctions at the Bahrain World Gymnasium 2024
Excellent distinctions were achieved by the student athletes of Cyprus, who participated in the Bahrain World Gymnasium at the end of October 2024. The Cypriot delegation won a total of eight medals, of which one gold, two silver and five bronze. The high level of Cypriot athletes is confirmed by the fact that the athletes were in the final eight in 30 events, showing the strength of the country's school sports.
Signing of a bilateral executive program in education between Cyprus and Italy
The ministers of education of Cyprus and Italy signed on September 17, 2024, at the Ministry of Education and Meritocracy in Rome, the executive program in education between Cyprus and Italy for the years 2024-2028.
The signing of the agreement between the two ministers aims to further strengthening the close cooperation shared between Cyprus and Italy in the field of education. The two ministers, in a meeting that preceded the signing, discussed the state of education reforms in primary and secondary schools training already underway in both Cyprus and Italy, the next steps regarding the exchange of good practices and experiences, the introduction of the Italian language in technical-vocational education schools and the cooperation at European level, in view of the upcoming Cyprus presidency in 2026.
Cyprus receives the Presidency of the European schools for the academic year 2024-2025
On June 21, 2024, Cyprus officially took over the presidency of the European schools (ES) for the academic year 2024-2025, marking the country's first time in this role and continuing the "Trio Presidency" sequence following Italy (2023-2024) and preceding Latvia (2025-2026).
During the ceremony, the unique educational values of the European schools were highlighted, emphasizing their contribution to the broader European project and focus on multilingual, multicultural education, culminating in the European Baccalaureate.
The Cypriot presidency outlined its pedagogical priorities focusing on the collective well-being of students and educators in a sustainable environment and the role of education in achieving broader sustainable development. Beyond pedagogical aims, the presidency also aims to strengthen the governance of the European schools system to better achieve its objectives.
Pupil and Student Mobility in Early Childhood and School Education
Pupil mobility at this level of education takes place either through the Comenius – Mobility Actions or other programmes/activities supported by national or EU funds. Real mobility takes place at the upper secondary level, while programmes at lower levels of education involve virtual mobility including the use of internet and teleconferences.
The Comenius programme addresses the teaching and learning needs of all those in pre-school and school education and the institutions and organisations providing such education. It funds several types of Actions related to school education, such as Mobility, Partnerships, and Multilateral Projects and Networks. Mobility Actions enable individuals to travel abroad to take part in a project. Cyprus joined the Comenius Programme in 1997. In 2011, Cyprus was allocated total €1,048,538.00. In the period from 2007 to 2011, a total number of 234 schools participated in the Programme, of which 111 were secondary schools, 80 primary schools, 6 kindergartens, 9 schools of special education and 28 private schools.
Other programmes or activities promoted at school level, which gave the opportunity to students and the teaching staff to be involved in school links, either at a European or international level, include the following:
• Ecological Schools. This is a European environmental programme aiming at the promotion of sensitivity for the environment.
• Young Reporters for the Environment. This is a programme for secondary school students studying environmental issues and reporting their findings through the mass media. At the European level they communicate with students of other countries through websites.
• Spring Day for Europe (Άνοιξη της Ευρώπης). This is a European project focussing on democracy and citizenship. It offers the opportunity to young people to make their voices heard on European issues.
• SEMEP (South Eastern Mediterranean Environmental Program). This is a UNESCO programme-network of environmental education that promotes scientific study of environmental problems at school level.
• GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment). This is an international programme that relates students, teachers and researchers with a common aim to learn more about the environment.
• Golden-Green Leaf (Χρυσοπράσινο φύλλο). This is an environmental programme of Greek-Cypriot cooperation, which involves the schools cooperating in twos and studying the same topic.
• Seed - Source of Life (Σποράκι – Πηγή Ζωής). This is a network of a number of schools from Greece and Cyprus in environmental education.
• IKADE (ΟΙΚΑΔΕ). Α programme that aims to develop communication and relationships between pupils in Cyprus, Greece and Greek-speaking pupils attending schools in other parts of the world. It operates on two levels – through the internet, where a Greek "planet" exists open to all, and through teleconferences between pupils attending Greek-speaking community schools anywhere in the world and their classmates in Cyprus or Greece.
A substantial number of secondary schools also participate in various programmes of school links and exchanges, as well as international conferences aimed at promoting cooperation between schools from various countries and enhancing understanding among young people. All of these programmes are supported and funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Teacher Mobility
Teacher mobility takes place in the framework of the Comenius-Training of Educational Personnel Action and the Study Visits Action and Erasmus+ School Education Programme.
Under the Comenius-Training of Educational Personnel Action, the Cyprus National Agency (Ίδρυμα Διαχείρισης Ευρωπαϊκών Προγραμμάτων Δια Βίου Μάθησης) approved 39 applications from primary and secondary school teachers, at a total cost of €81,477.00, in 2011. The National Agency also approved 5 applications from prospective teachers at a total of €46,188.00 in the same year.
Under the Study Visits Action, 13 experts in educational and training policy participated in meetings or activities of one week duration, at the cost of €21,230.00, in 2010/11. Another 14 applications have been approved, at a total cost of €22,020.00 for the school year 2011/12
Under the Erasmus+ School Education Programme, the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (Ίδρυμα Διαχείρισης Ευρωπαϊκών Προγραμμάτων Δια Βίου Μάθησης) approved 27 applications from Early Childhood, Primary and secondary school teachers, at a total cost of €238,895,00 in 2017.