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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in higher education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.4National reforms in higher education

Last update: 22 January 2025


Establishment of branches of foreign universities and offer of foreign language undergraduate programs by Cyprus public universities

In a discussion on November 20, 2024, in the House Standing Committee on Education of the Parliament on the two bills submitted by the Ministry of Education, in relation to the upgrading and improvement of higher education, reference was made to the issues of the establishment and operation of branches of foreign Universities in Cyprus and the offer of foreign language undergraduate programs by public universities.
Regarding the bill for the establishment of branches, the Minister of Education referred to the need to follow regularly the legislation followed for the establishment of private universities, with full control, and evaluation criteria by the Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (QAAHE), for both the application and the content of programs and operating procedure. 
The Minister of Education, Sports and Youth (MESY) referred to the second issue that was discussed and which is the offer of foreign language undergraduate programs by public universities, where the aim is to help public higher education, to keep students in Cyprus, instead of going to other countries in Europe, examining the issue of tuition fees, because this issue concerns co-funded programs.


Public Consultation on the draft law entitled: "The University of Cyprus (Amendment) (No. (2) Law of 2024”

The Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth (MESI), launched a public consultation on the draft law entitled: "The University of Cyprus (Amendment) (No. (2) 2024 Act”
The above bill was subject to public consultation on the online public consultation platform, e-Consultation and specifically at the link: Public Consultation on the bill entitled: "The University of Cyprus (Amendment) (No. (2) Law of 2024'
All interested parties/natural persons were invited to submit their comments/suggestions until Friday, August 23, 2024, using the electronic platform "e-Consultation".

The amendment of the legislation on the quality assurance in higher education

On May 29, 2024, after the end of the Council of Ministers, the minister of Education commented on the decisions taken by the council of ministers, on matters falling within the competence of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. She referred to the approval by the Council of Ministers to promote the amendment of the legislation on the quality assurance in higher education, through the Agency Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (AQAAHE).
The amendment provides for the establishment and operation of foreign branches of universities, from the European Union and from third countries, in Cyprus.
The benefits of the legislation are concrete and consistent with the wider government effort to upgrade and improve its quality of higher education in Cyprus. Essentially, the amendment concerns the modernization of the legislation, while the extroversion of tertiary education is promoted, and its quality is upgraded.
The amendment paves the way for further competitiveness, and therefore for further quality assurance in the field of higher education.

Upgrading of higher education 

At a meeting held in January 2024 and attended by the president of the Republic and government ministers, the minister of Education, Sport, and Youth (MESY) presented the final recommendations regarding the upgrading of higher education.

At the end of the meeting, the Minister of Education pointed out that the sector of higher education is not only important for educational reasons, but also for economic reasons. She pointed out that the meeting was preceded by dialogue and consultation between the competent ministries, while the meeting focused on the following 4 main pillars:

  • Cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, to rapidly promote internationalization of the promotion of the quality of higher education, "branding", as the term is known.
  • The amendment of the legislation, and the categorization of higher education Institutions, to improve the quality and attract more students.
  • The interconnection of higher education with the labor market so that graduates will have more employment opportunities.
  • The provision of scholarships and incentives to foreign students to attend programs in Cyprus.

Respect for diversity: Transition to modern and inclusive school

On March 4, 2024, the Minister of Education, Sports and Youth (MESY), has published an article on the transition to modern, inclusive schooling, through concrete actions and policies that foster respect and diversity.
Reference is made on the right of the students to enroll and receive free education in public schools in Cyprus, at all levels, from pre-school to tertiary education. It is stated that the education system makes no distinction as to race, community, language, color, religion, students' political or other beliefs, sexual orientation, or ethnic origin, which are guaranteed by Article 20 of the Constitution of Cyprus. The school also respects the right to freedom of thought, political or other beliefs and religion.
Details are provided on the policies and actions on the following:

  • Anti-racist policy
  • Human rights – health education
  • Gender equality
  • Special education reform
  • Policy for students with immigrant biography
  • Program Imagine
  • Sex education


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