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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and learning in general upper secondary education
Belgium - French Community

Belgium - French Community

6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.5Teaching and learning in general upper secondary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Curriculum, subjects, number of hours

The transition stream (general and technological humanities) provides a education from the point of view of the general objectives of education : the prime goal of the transition streams is to prepare pupils for higher education, whilst maintaining the possibility of entering the labour market.

The competencies and skills required upon completion of a general and technological humanities course have been defined : final achievement targets and common-core knowledge required of all pupils, final achievement targets and common-core knowledge required in the different subjects, and minimum communication competencies in a modern language other than French.

The final achievement targets are defined in the ‘reference guide, which, in a structured manner, presents the competencies that are expected to be attained at a given level at the end of secondary education’ and subject-related competencies are defined in the ‘reference guide, which, in a structured manner, presents the competencies to be attained in a subject’. These general objectives are identical for all schools. The reference guides serve as learning guides and assessment safeguards. For all schools, they represent the entire reference set which determines the study level and around which curricula are structured: the curricula, meanwhile, for which the controlling authorities are responsible, stipulate the resources to be deployed. The reference guides relate to virtually all subjects and disciplines: French, mathematics, Latin, Greek, modern languages, history and geography, economics, social sciences, physical education, philosophy and citizenship, and sciences.

The second stage

In transition-stream secondary education, weekly schedules harmonised for all educational networks ensure greater versatility in the second stage, thereby enabling pupils to make considered choices. General courses (French, Mathematics, Modern Language, Sciences, ...) are still well represented, but elective element (single or grouped core options and elective activities) is extended.

As from 1 September 2017, a subject called Philosophy and citizenship has been implemented. See 6.2.

In general secondary education, a range of single core options are offered, generally at the rate of four lessons per week, as well as elective activities generally at the rate of one or two lessons per week (see below).

In the technical and artistic forms of the 2nd stage of transition stream education, various grouped core options are offered at the rate of 7 to 11 periods per week (see below).

Core curriculum for the transition-stream education in 2017-2018 (3rd and 4th years) (numer of periods of 50 minutes per week)

Public and private grant-aided non-denominational schools
Private grant-aided denominational schools
Religion/ethics/philosophy and citizenship
History and geography
Mathematics (transition-stream art education)
4 or 5
3 or 5
3 or 5
Science education (transition-stream art and technical education)
Modern language I
Physical education
2 or 3


2) Elective subjects

At least one option from among the following core options (a timetable that does not include a core option may be authorised under certain conditions in cases where the pupil takes 5 science periods per week) :

- single core options in the general transtion stream, at the rate of 4 periods per week :

  • Modern language II,
  • Economics,
  • Social sciences,
  • Latin,
  • Greek,
  • Physical education,
  • Artistic education or expressive arts,
  • Technical and technological education.

The second foreign language studied as an elective subject may be Dutch, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic ou Chinese.

Greek, as a simple core option, is also offered at the rate of 2 periods per week.

- grouped core options in the technical transition-stream, at the rate of 7 to 11 periods per week :

  • agronomic science,
  • industrial science (electromechanics),
  • computer electronics,
  • industrial science (construction and public works),
  • audiovisual,
  • circus arts,
  • arts,
  • graphic arts,
  • applied economics,
  • social and educational science,
  • physical education,
  • sports-studies,
  • applied science,
  • biotechnics,
  • informatics,
  • artistic humanities (transdisciplinary, music, dance or theatre and vocal arts).

- grouped core options in the artistic transition-stream, at the rate of 7 to 11 periods per week :

  • arts and sciences,
  • circus arts,
  • dance.

3) Elective activities (at the rate of 1, 2 or 3 periods per week)

A list of elective activities is offered in the annex to the General Circular letter on the Organization of Ordinary Secondary Education and Completion of Studies 2019-2020. (Circulaire générale relative à l'organisation de l'enseignement secondaire ordinaire et à la sanction des études 2019-2020).


A maximum of 2 hours of individualised remediation can be added to the weekly timetable.


The third stage

When entering the third stage, pupils choose from the study orientations on offer. The common core curriculum shared by all students in the transition stream is diminshing in favour of elective subjects which make up the study orientation.

In the third stage of general education, two possibilities are offered :

• courses of study with integrated majors and several possible orientations : major in modern languages, major in science, major in classics, major in economics, major in social sciences, major in arts, major in physical education ;

• courses of study with combinations of options : schools may combine elements of the different aforementioned orientations, with the obligation to include certain courses (such as Religion/ethics/philosophy and citizenship, physical education, one modern language with 4 hours a week). In education organised by the French Community, the organisation of a course of study by combining options is subject to approval of the General Department of Compulsory Education and has to match the particular situation of a pupil.

In the third stage of transition-stream technical education, in addition to the choices already offered in the 2nd stage (see above), a choice of the following grouped options is offered : industrial chemistry, and paramedical science.

In third stage of transition-stream artistic education, the choices are the same as those offered in the 2nd stage (see above).

The two years of the third transition stage must be followed in the same study orientation and with the same timetable. A reorientation year is possible in the fourth year, when a pupil wants to change his/her orientation of studies.

The following table describes one of the possible orientations within the framework of general study programmes with integrated majors. The weekly timetables of transition-stream technical and artistic education include, in addition to the common core, compulsory modern languages and compulsory options, elective subjects (elective learning and/or activities) for a total minimum of 28 periods and maximum of 34 periods (36 for some pupils).

Orientation with an integrated major in modern languages in general education (5th and 6th years) in 2017-2018, (number of periods of 50 minutes per week)

Public schools and private grant-aided non-denominational schools
Private grant-aided denominational schools
I. Common core for all integrated majors
Religion/ethics/philosophy and citizenship
History and geography
Physical education
3 or 2
II. Compulsory modern language
Modern language I
Modern language II
Modern language III
III. Compulsory option
6, 4, or 2
6, 4, or 2
6 or 3
6 or 3 (+1)
IV. Elective subjects (freely chosen options and/or activities of choice – subject to not exceeding the maximum)
Another single core option apart from modern languages (e.g. mathematics, physics, social science,...)
One or more elective subjects (e.g. introduction to ancient culture, word processing, ...)
Physics activity (education organised by the French Community in the case of 6-period science course


Other programmes are known as ‘combined options’. Schools are allowed to combine elements from different orientations provided that the following principles are observed :

  • All schedules must include a common core course (in religion/ethics/education to philosophy and citizenship, French, history and geography, and physical education) ;
  • All schedules must include a course in modern language (4 periods), a mathematics course, and a science, plus two other single core options.

In schools organised by the French Community, a weekly schedule consisting of a combination of options is subject to the approval of the General Department of Compulsory Education and can only be approved to meet the specific needs of a pupil.

A maximum of 2 hours of individualised remediation can be added to the weekly timetable.

Teaching methods and materials

See Teaching and Learning in Lower Secondary Education