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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Conditions of service for teachers working in early childhood and school education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.2Conditions of service for teachers working in early childhood and school education

Last update: 26 March 2024

Planning Policy 


No planning policy in terms of teacher supply or demand has been established.  


Entry to the Profession 


The Law on the Education System Foundations stipulates the requirements a person must fulfil to be employed as a teacher. These requirements include: 

  • having a degree at the appropriate level of education; 

  • possessing the psychological, physical and health capacity required to work with children; 

  • having no criminal record; 

  • having a Serbian citizenship; 

  • being fluent in the language of schooling (Serbian or a minority language). 

In public schools, teachers who have become redundant in other educational institutions can be employed through employee takeovers. These teachers are put on a takeover list and given priority in schools with open positions. However, to be taken over, such teachers have to meet all the requirements for the new position. A list of redundant teachers is made on a local level. 

Open recruitment is conducted if the teacher takeover is impossible. This happens when there is no teacher available for a subject on the list. The school principal is responsible for announcing the vacancy and shortlisting candidates. These candidates are then referred to a psychological assessment. The principal then selects the most suitable candidate based on the selection process results. 


The Law on Education System Foundations and Bylaw on Teachers and Education Staff Licensing determines the Induction Programme. The Programme is designed for teachers who are employed in a school for the first time. It aims to prepare the teacher for their independent work in the future. It is provided to all teachers new to the profession, regardless of their type of contract. Usually, the newly employed teachers are given a temporary contract with a probation period of up to 6 months. 

The Induction Programme lasts from one to two years and is designed for teachers who are new to the profession. During this time, a teacher has the status of a trainee teacher and is assigned a mentor who is either a teacher or a non-teaching professional working at the school or coming from another school. The mentor supervises the trainee’s work and provides all necessary support. Mentors are distinguished licensed teachers with at least 5 years of working experience non-teaching professionals. Mentoring support is mandatory for teachers during the induction period. The mentoring process includes: 

  • defining the role of the mentor; 

  • defining the responsibilities of the mentor and trainee teacher; 

  • discussing work methods; 

  • outlining the requirements and conditions for becoming a mentor. 

However, there is no mentoring support for licensed teachers. 

Upon completing the one-year induction programme, the trainee teacher can take their professional exam which is a mandatory prerequisite for obtaining a teaching license. The professional exam consists of three parts: 

  • a written part; 

  • an oral part; 

  • a practical demonstration of skills in class. 

The exam is organised by the Ministry of Education and carried out before a commission appointed by the Ministry. If a trainee passes the exam, they become licensed teachers and may continue their work in the school. 


Professional Status 


According to the Law on the Education System Foundations, teachers at schools can have different professional statuses: 

  • A first-time employed, a trainee-teacher on a temporary contract; 

  • A replacement teacher on a temporary contract (described in Replacement Measures); 

  • A professional consultant teacher – a professional employed at another institution (such as another school, higher education institution etc.) may work as a consultant at a school with up to 30% of full working time; 

  • A licensed teacher on a temporary contract – licensed teachers can be temporarily employed during the takeover or recruitment period until the new teacher is selected; 

  • A licensed teacher on a permanent contract – a new teacher taken over from another school or selected through open recruitment, permanently employed, usually with a probation period not longer than 6 months; 

  • A redundant teacher – a teacher on a permanent contract whose service is no longer needed in a school, and who is put on a takeover list and has employment priority in other schools. 

Replacement Measures 

Replacement teachers may be employed temporarily during the absence of a permanently employed teacher. If the replacement period is up to 60 days, replacement teachers may be employed without any recruitment procedure. However, if the replacement period is longer than 60 days, replacement teachers must be employed through a regular open recruitment procedure or in a takeover process. Replacement teachers must fulfil all conditions as described in Entry to the Profession.  

A teacher may be absent from work due to an illness, maternity leave or other reasons determined by the Labour Law.  


Supporting Measures 


Teachers in schools are supported in their work by the following professionals: psychologists and pedagogues who play an important role in improving teaching and other educational activities.  

They provide support to teachers regarding: 

  • teaching methods, 

  • the development of Individual Education Plans, 

  • work with children/pupils/students who need additional learning support, 

  • communication with parents and 

  • other important aspects of the teaching-learning process. 

Moreover, it is their duty to organise the professional development of teachers within the school. 

Pedagogical assistants provide support to teachers in working with children or pupils who need additional learning support.  

Adult education assistants have the equivalent role in working with adult learners. 

A pedagogical advisor is an external consultant chosen by the Ministry of Education. Their duty is to evaluate different aspects of school affairs and teachers' work. They also provide support to teachers to improve teaching quality according to established standards. 



Teacher salaries in public schools on ECEC, primary and secondary levels are regulated at a central level, regardless of their categories, school types etc. Teacher salaries in private independent schools are calculated using methods established by private institutions themselves.  

The salaries of teachers working in public schools are calculated based on the conditions stipulated in the Special Collective Agreement for Employees in Primary and Secondary Schools and Students’ Dormitories

To obtain the maximum basic statutory pension, teachers should meet one of the following criteria: a criterion on the minimum number of years of service or a retirement age criterion (explained below).  


Working Time and Holidays 

Full-time work is based on 40 hours' work time. Most of this time (up to 24 hours per week) is allocated to teaching and working with children/pupils/students. The rest is left for: 

  • teachers’ preparation, 

  • administration and keeping of school records,  

  • meetings with parents, 

  • participation in the school board, school council, 

  • professional development, 

  • cultural activities, 

  • organisation of extracurricular activities and other school activities. 

One school lesson lasts 45 minutes. During a school week, within the teaching part of their working hours, teachers who work full time are required to hold: 

20 school lessons plus 4 lessons of other types of work with pupils/teachers (additional, preparatory, supplementary or other kinds of lessons) 

or 26 school lessons of practical work. 

Teachers with fewer school lessons work part-time. 

Depending on the roles teachers have at school, their responsibilities may vary. Class teachers, for example, may be required to dedicate one school lesson per week to class meetings while teachers of different subjects may be subject to varying requirements as regards school lessons. Their working hours are determined by the regulations on teaching norms as set out in the Rulebook. Each school determines the structure and schedule of teachers’ annual and weekly obligations. 

Teachers are required to take their annual leave during school holidays as specified in their work contracts. 


Promotion, Advancement 


Teachers can be promoted to: 

  • pedagogical advisers; 

  • independent pedagogical advisers; 

  • senior pedagogical advisers; 

  • high-level pedagogical advisers. 

The promotion of teachers is contingent upon their successful completion of the required number of professional development hours. For more information, please refer to the section on Continuing Professional Development for Teachers Working in Early Childhood Education and Care and School Education. 


Mobility and Transfers 


According to the Law on the Education System Foundations, two schools can sign an agreement to transfer a teacher for an indefinite period if the change in teacher’s workload does not exceed 20% of their working time. 




According to the Law on the Education System Foundations, if a teacher behaves inappropriately, they may face various penalties including: 

  • dismissal, 

  • a temporary work ban, 

  • a fine, 

  • a suspension of license and 

  • a revocation of license. 

A school principal is responsible for initiating disciplinary procedures and deciding on the appropriate disciplinary measures against its employee if they are found guilty. If they are not found guilty, the employee will be released from liability and the procedure will be closed. The duration of the disciplinary procedure cannot exceed 6 months from the initiation date. 

Teachers may be charged with criminal offences as defined by the Law on Criminal Offences, or for serious violations of work duties as determined by the Law on the Education System Foundations. 

Serious violations of work duties include: 

  • commission of a criminal offence at work; 

  • failure to implement safety measures at school; 

  • incitement of alcohol abuse among students or failure to report alcohol abuse; 

  • incitement of drug abuse among students or failure to report drug abuse; 

  • carrying weapons in school; 

  • unauthorised change of data in school records; 

  • destruction, damage or theft of school records; 

  • incomplete, untimely or negligent keeping of school records; 

  • charging supplementary (private) lessons to students from the school where the teacher works; 

  • alcohol or drug abuse at work; 

  • refusal of insight into written examination results to students or parents; 

  • refusal of insight into school records to an external education supervisor or parents; 

  • illegal work or violation of the rights of other employees or students; 

  • failure to perform or negligent performance of school duties envisaged by the work contract or assigned by the school principal; 

  • abuse of employment rights; 

  • illegal use of the institution’s funds, facilities, equipment or assets; 

  • unjustified absence from work for two or more consecutive days; 

  • other violations of working obligations. 

The suspension of a teacher’s license can occur in the following cases: 

If a teacher is dismissed from work due to serious violations under items 1) to 7), their license may be suspended for a period of 6 months. During their license suspension, the teacher is not allowed to work in any school. 

Teacher’s license may be suspended to a teacher whose work, as evaluated externally, is not in accordance with the principles, standards and goals of the education process. The teacher will receive a warning along with recommendations on how to improve their work. If the teacher is evaluated negatively for a second time, their license may be suspended.  However, the suspension may be terminated if the teacher passes their license exam again. The exam must be passed not later than 6 months after the suspension starting date. The teacher will be dismissed from work if they fail to pass the exam in the said period. During the license suspension, the teacher may work in the school on activities assigned by the school principal. 

If a teacher fails to participate in mandatory professional development programmes without a justifiable reason, their license may be suspended. However, the suspension may be terminated when the teacher provides proof of the completion of the professional development programme as required. During the suspension period, the teacher may work in school on activities assigned by the school principal. 

The revocation of a teachers’ license is final with no right to license renewal. It applies to the following cases: 

  • conviction of a criminal offence, regardless of the imposed criminal sanctions; 

  • dismissal from work in the case of: 

  • discrimination of children, parents or employees based on any reason; 

  • physical, psychological or social violence; 

  • abuse or neglect of children; 

  • physical punishment and insulting; 

  • sexual abuse of children or employees. 

A temporary work ban applies to a teacher accused of any of the above acts or in the case of serious violations of work duties under items 1) to 5), 10) and 16). The ban lasts until the end of the disciplinary procedure. 

A fine may be imposed by the school principal in the case of minor violations. It is a salary reduction of up to 20-35% of the teacher’s monthly salary and lasts from 3 to 6 months.  

Dismissal is applicable to a teacher convicted of a criminal offence, serious violation, or when their license suspension is not terminated, as decided by the school principal. 


Retirement and Pensions 


Pensions policy in Serbia is regulated by the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance. To retire with full pension entitlement, a teacher must meet the conditions prescribed by this law which depend on their gender, age and years of work experience. 

The conditions for men: 

  • an age of 65 and at least 15 years of experience or 

  • 45 years of experience.  

The conditions for women:  

  • at least 15 years of experience and

  • fulfilment of the age limit requirement.  

The age limit for women will be increasing gradually until it reaches 65 years in 2032 according to this law. The age limit for women was 63 in 2020, 63 years and 6 months in 2023 and it will be 64 years in 2026, until it reaches 65 years in 2032.  

The Law on Pension and Disability Insurance specifically stipulates some rights such as the right. to early retirement (in case a person reaches the years of service), but in that case, the amount of the pension is reduced until they reach the official retirement age. Additionally, a person can receive a pension if they have reached the official retirement age and have at least 15 years of service, but the amount of the pension will be reduced proportionally.