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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and other education staff


10.Management and other education staff

Last update: 27 November 2023

As prescribed by the Law on the Education System Foundations, the personnel responsible for managing the institution within preschool, primary and secondary education are the preschool or school headmaster. Their work is supported by assistant headmasters, school councils and teacher councils. The highest authority in preschool or school management belongs to the managing board (in preschool institution) and school board (in schools). These bodies include representatives of the government authorities, teachers and parents and they are responsible for choosing the headmaster and supervising his or her work.

The staff responsible for monitoring educational quality in preschool and school education are education inspectors and educational advisers; their role, appointment and conditions of service are prescribed by the Bylaw on Professional and Pedagogical Supervision. Psychological, academic and career guidance and counselling is the job of preschool or school psychologists and pedagogues, whose professional status is similar to that of teachers.

According to the Law on Higher Education, the council is the main managing body for higher education institutions, while the executive power belongs to the rector (university level), dean (faculty level) and headmaster (college level) and other personnel supporting their work (vice-rectors, vice-deans, department heads, secretaries etc.).