This section provides the most recent available data on the number of educational institutions from pre-primary to post-secondary non-tertiary education level (ISCED levels 0-4). Statistics on numbers and characteristics of higher education institutions can be found in the European Tertiary Education Register. A general overview of institutions providing adult education from public sources can be found in the chapter on adult education. The notes below the tables provide methodological explanations necessary for a good interpretation of data.
Type of educational institution in English (and in national language) |
ISCED levels provided | Main orientation of the programmes provided | Number of educational institutions | |||
Total |
Public | Government-dependent private | Private independent | |||
Nursery school (Creşă) | 0 | (-) | 29 | 7 | (:) | 22 |
Kindergarten (Gradiniță) | 0 | (-) | 1171 | 757 | (:) | 414 |
Primary school (Școală primară) | 1 | G | 89 | 38 | (:) | 51 |
Lower-secondary school (Școală gimnazială) | 1, 2 | G | 3817 | 3763 | (:) | 54 |
Theoretical high school and college (Liceu teoretic sau colegiu teoretic) | 3 | G | 578 | 527 | (:) | 51 |
Skilled-based (vocational) high school (Liceu vocational) | 3 | V | 186 | 185 | (:) | 1 |
Technological high school (Liceu tehnologic) | 3 | V | 698 | 682 | (:) | 16 |
Vocational school (Şcoală profesională) | 3 | V | 62 | 58 | (:) | 4 |
Post-secondary school (Școală post-liceală) | 4 | V | 165 | 22 | (:) | 143 |
Foreman school (Școală de maiștri) | 4 | V | 1 | 1 | (:) | (-) |
Source: Romanian National Institute of Statistics (NIS), School Unities 2018 (TEMPO online, last accessed 21st November 2019) |
G= General | V= Vocational | |||||
(:) Data not available | (-) Not applicable | |||||
Terminology |
1. The legal entity approach was used to collect the data in the table above. Data refer to legal educational entities covering one or several education levels.
Legal entities covering several educational levels are counted once. They are classified within the table in the highest level of education they provide, and/or in the level of education registering the greatest number of students and/or in the education level corresponding to the main position registered by the teaching personnel and/or being provided with their own support facilities (as per the Romanian legislation, i.e. Law on education no.1 of 2011).
In Romania, educational units not having a legal status may be allocated to one legal educational unit hosting one or several educational levels or may be part of a bigger legal entity located on a different site (local site approach). All such units are referred to as “sections” and they can be attached either to a legal status unit of the same educational level or to a legal status entity of a higher educational level (in case of legal units covering several educational levels). A particular case of sections refers to nurseries with no legal status but which are subordinated to the communal / city / municipal Local Councils, or to the Social Assistance and Health Departments, or to the Public Service of Social Assistance and Nurseries Administration.
According to official statistics (National Institute of Statistics, 2019), the statistical overview of the sections is:
nursery schools (328 public and 11 private sections organized either within the legal status educational institutions of the same educational level, or within legal status educational institutions of a higher education level, or within other competent public authorities)
kindergartens (9621 public and 88 private sections organized either within the legal status educational institutions of the same educational level, or within legal status educational institutions of a higher education level; 142 public and 4 private sections on different educational sites)
primary and lower-secondary schools (4893 public and private sections organized either within the legal status educational institutions of the same educational level, or within legal status educational institutions of a higher education level; 499 public and private sections on different educational sites)
high schools (1707 public and private sections organized within the legal status educational institutions of the same educational level)
vocational schools (679 public and 10 private sections organized either within the legal status educational institutions of the same educational level, or within legal status educational institutions of a lower or higher education level)
post-secondary schools (330 public and 49 private sections organized either within legal status educational institutions of the same educational level, or within legal status educational institutions of a lower or higher education level, or on different educational sites)
foremen schools (89 public and 3 private sections within legal status educational institutions of the same educational level, or within legal status educational institutions of a lower or higher education level, or on different educational sites).
Source for data provided at Note 1:
Institutul Naţional de Statistică (National Institute of Statistics), 2019, Învăţământul antepreşcolar şi preşcolar la începutul anului şcolar 2018/2019 (data on CD)
Institutul Naţional de Statistică (National Institute of Statistics), 2019, Învăţământul primar şi gimnazial la începutul anului şcolar 2018/2019 (data on CD)
Institutul Naţional de Statistică (National Institute of Statistics), 2019, Învăţământul liceal la începutul anului şcolar 2018/2019 (data on CD)
Institutul Naţional de Statistică (National Institute of Statistics), 2019, Învăţământul special primar şi gimnazial la începutul anului şcolar 2018/2019 şi la sfârşitul anului şcolar 2017/2018 (data on CD)
Institutul Naţional de Statistică (National Institute of Statistics), 2019, Învăţământul profesional, postilceal şi de maiştri la începutul anului şcolar 2018/2019 (data on CD)
2. (:) In Romania, only global statistics (public or private) are available. There are no available data regarding the percentage of the core funding received by a private institution; therefore, it was not possible to differentiate between government-dependent private institutions and independent private institutions. In the table above, all private institutions are reported in the column of independent private institutions (as per annual the UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat data collection for Romania).
3. (-) No such institutions exist in Romania.
Type of educational institution in English and (in national language) | ISCED levels provided | Main orientation of the programmes provided | Number of educational institutions | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total |
Public | Government-dependent institutions | Private independent | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Primary and lower-secondary schools (Școală primară și şcoală gimnazială) |
1, 2 | G | 97 | 96 | (:) | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Theoretical high school and college (Liceu teoretic sau colegiu) | 3 | G | 6 | 6 | (:) | (-) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Technological high school (Liceu tehnologic) | 3 | V | 14 | 14 | (:) | (-) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vocational school (Şcoală profesională) | 3 | V | 15 | 15 | (:) | (-) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Notes: 1. The legal entity approach was used to collect the data in the table above. Data refer to legal educational entities covering one or several education levels. Legal entities covering several educational levels are counted once. They are classified within the table in the highest level of education they provide, and/or in the level of education registering the greatest number of students and/or in the education level corresponding to the main position registered by the teaching personnel and/or being provided with their own support facilities (as per the Romanian legislation, i.e. Law on education no.1 of 2011). In Romania, educational units not having a legal status may be allocated to one legal educational unit hosting one or several educational levels or may be part of a bigger legal entity located on a different site (local site approach). All such units are referred to as “sections” and they can be attached either to a legal status unit of the same educational level or to a legal status entity of a higher educational level (in case of legal units covering several educational levels). A particular case of sections refers to nurseries with no legal status but which are subordinated to the communal / city / municipal Local Councils, or to the Social Assistance and Health Departments, or to the Public Service of Social Assistance and Nurseries Administration. According to official statistics (National Institute of Statistics, 2019), the statistical overview of the sections providing special needs education is:
Source for data provided at Note 1: Institutul Naţional de Statistică (National Institute of Statistics), 2019, Învăţământul antepreşcolar şi preşcolar la începutul anului şcolar 2018/2019 (data on CD) Institutul Naţional de Statistică (National Institute of Statistics), 2019, Învăţământul primar şi gimnazial la începutul anului şcolar 2018/2019 (data on CD) Institutul Naţional de Statistică (National Institute of Statistics), 2019, Învăţământul liceal la începutul anului şcolar 2018/2019 (data on CD) Institutul Naţional de Statistică (National Institute of Statistics), 2019, Învăţământul special primar şi gimnazial la începutul anului şcolar 2018/2019 şi la sfârşitul anului şcolar 2017/2018 (data on CD) Institutul Naţional de Statistică (National Institute of Statistics), 2019, Învăţământul profesional, postilceal şi de maiştri la începutul anului şcolar 2018/2019 (data on CD) 2. (:) There are no available data regarding the percentage of the core funding received by a private institution; therefore, it was not possible to differentiate between government-dependent private institutions and independent private institutions. In the table above, all private institutions are reported in the column of independent private institutions (as per the UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat data collection for Romania). 3. (-) No such institutions exist in Romania. |