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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.13Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures

Last update: 27 November 2023

By minister's order (3800/2015) were approved the Procedures for registering of education providers organizing and carrying out, in Romania, educational activities specific to other educational systems from other countries in the Special Register of education providers who organize and perform, in Romania, educational activities specific to educational system in other countries and the recognition of studies of students enrolled in these schools. The procedures are based on a Analysis Form and Survey of documentation submitted to ARACIP by interested organisations. Currently such organisations registered in the Special Register organize educational activities according to educational systems from:

  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  • Lebanese Republic

  • French Republic

  • Syrian Arab Republic

  • Hellenic Republic

  • Palestine

  • Republic of Iraq.

By minister's order (5268/2015 as amended by 3217/2018) it was approved the equivalence Methodology by the county school inspectorates and the Bucharest inspectorate the period of study abroad and at the education providers organizing and carrying, in Romania, educational activities specific to educational system in other country, registered in the of the ARACIP (Romanian Agency for Quality assurance in preuniversity education), Special Register of education providers who organize and perform, in Romania, educational activities specific to educational system in other countries and the model of certificate of equivalence for studies abroad and in Romania too.

An alternative skills training for personal and professional life, economic and financial education, entrepreneurship education and vocational guidance is the organization of Junior Achievement program in the education programs for students between 6 and 19 years (grades 0-12). Schools that choose to use this program applies the curriculum and projects Junior Achievement (JA) Romania- (national projects, international competitions) which are implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Education and kits JA have the MNE agreement for use in the classroom. JAR programs and projects can be implemented as:

  • curriculum at the school decision / local development curriculum

  • Masterclass / Counselling

  • extracurricular activities / circles

  • After school program

  • curricular auxiliaries in other subjects

  • in the program "The school in another way".

In vocational and technical education can be met a number of organizational variations of activities of students practical training, due to the different contexts in which they take place. The characteristics of these contexts are established in the partnership contracts concluded between educational institutions and partner companies as well as in practical training contracts concluded between the student, the school and the student's parent or legal representative.

In addition, in the ERASMUS +mobility in the framework of the Partnership Agreement and the Learning Agreement (learning quality assurance tools) features contexts are set in which students are preparing through the VET mobility. These may include educational organisational alternatives elements, in addition to the curriculum concerned.  

By the dual vocational education introduced since 2016 the practice sites to operators are established with all the necessary features to provide skills training and health and safety. Examples of such alternative structures and organisational variations for vocational and technical training are further presented.  

  1. In addition to the practice in stores, of students enrolled in trade qualifications they benefit from of an accelerated process of self-discovery and personal development through non-formal education sessions at some partners for practice; those activities are conducted in addition to activities within the curriculum. These sessions are taken by pupils and stores employees envisaged to become students mentors.

  2. In agriculture schools beekeeping circles are organized for students in partnership with organisations and associations, with the participation of beekeepers to increase the student interest in pursuing a career in the field.

  3. The establishment by partner companies of practical training workshops for students, where students carry out specific activities to acquire basic skills before beginning the practice at the companies labour places.

  4. Organizing complementary educational programmes supporting disadvantaged pupils.

  5. Participation in various competitions organized at local, national level.

  6. Organize activities such as "business incubators" where students participate in the initiation and development of a business.  

  7. Conducting volunteer / extracurricular activities in which students develop key and personal skills.

The certification exams for  vocational qualifications can be conducted in examination centers which can be organized in schools or at the partner companies. If the training was developed in partnership with some big and recognised companies, in addition to the qualification certificate issued by MNE students can receive additional certificates issued by those companies or by chambers of commerce as well as by other associations.