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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in upper general and vocational secondary education


6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Education

6.3Assessment in upper general and vocational secondary education

Last update: 30 January 2024

Pupil Assessment

The upper secondary school has a six level grading scale from A to F with five pass grades and a non-pass grade. There are national knowledge requirements for grades E, C and A. The knowledge requirements contain a description of what is required for a given grade. If there are insufficient grounds for determining a student's knowledge due to extended absenteeism, a dash (–) replaces the grade. The school must be able to account for the measures it has taken in connection with absenteeism. Grades are awarded based on the goals and knowledge requirements set out in the syllabuses. When starting a new course, the teacher should provide information about what is required for the different grades. It should be possible for students to discuss their grade with a teacher during the course in order to get an idea of their current position. A teacher awarding a grade should not compare a student's performance with others in the class, but assess how well each student has achieved the goals of the course. Grades cannot be appealed. The teacher awarding the grade should also be able to inform the student of the reasons for the grade assessment.

When awarding grades in Swedish/Swedish as a second language, English or Mathematics, teachers should consult national tests (nationella prov) for each subject provided by the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket). They should also consider other work made by the student during the course before deciding on a grade. In addition to the compulsory national tests, the National Agency for Education is responsible for a test bank of national tests in different subjects and courses, including modern languages, biology, physics and certain vocational subjects. 

Pupils and their parents/guardians are informed of the pupil’s progress through compulsory personal development meetings. These dialogues are based on the pupil's individual study plan which contains information on the choice of programme and courses. The school is obliged to arrange these meetings at least once every term.

Progression of pupils

There are no criteria for a pupil to proceed to the next level. If there is a risk of a pupil failing to attain the learning outcomes/goals in the syllabus, remedial support shall be provided. For instance, the pupil's study plan can be modified.

If a pass grade has not been achieved, a pupil has the right to retake the course. If a pupil has taken a course twice without achieving a passing grade, and there are special circumstances, the school head can decide to allow the pupil to take the course a third time. It is also possible to resit a whole year if the school head, pupil and guardians/parents are in agreement. The school head in consultation with teachers decide if a pupil needs to resit a course or if a reduced programme is an option (see 6.2 - Individual Support). If the pupil has not yet reached the age of 18 a consultation takes place with the pupil's guardians or parents. A pupil who has difficulties in Swedish, English or Mathematics has the right to study courses in stages, where the contents of a stage are individually designed for each pupil.

In upper secondary school, pupils are entitled to resit tests free of charge if they have failed a course. After completing their upper secondary education pupils are entitled to resit examinations to improve their grades at a maximum fee of SEK 500 for one examination.


The upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan) does not have a final examination. Each pupil receives a school-leaving certificate consisting of a summary of the courses studied and the grades received in these courses. To receive a school-leaving certificate (slutbetyg), from a national or specially designed programme, the pupil must have received grades for all courses as well as for the individual project work. The school head signs the certificate. Final grades are issued around June 10.

The structure for the upper secondary school provides apprenticeship training and the introduction of an upper secondary diploma, one for general upper secondary education and one for vocational education and training programmes. A vocational upper secondary diploma can be obtained through vocational education at school or through an apprenticeship scheme. Students in any of the 12 vocational programmes should be given the possibility to follow courses leading to the upper secondary diploma giving access to higher education. If pupils have taken more courses than their programme requires, by following an expanded programme (see 6.2 - Specialisation of Studies), these courses are included in their school leaving certificate.

Pupils who have attended a vocational programme at upper secondary level have the right to adult education at upper secondary level in order to achieve basic eligibility for higher education.