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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 27 November 2023


Other Education Staff

Associates in education and teaching who, depending on the school institution needs, assist in education and teaching are volunteers, sign language interpreters, auxiliary education staff, but do not independently carry out educational or teaching work.

School organization is divided into organization - development service and administrative-technical service. The organization - development service is comprised of: principal, shift supervisors, expert director in parts of school on different locations, heads of programmes, pedagogically independent parts of school respectively and heads of department in Art Schools, expert associates (pedagogue, psychologist, librarian), teacher – schedule maker, heads of school practicum and practical lessons. This directorate in charge of activities related to curriculum implementation, immediate educational work with students, activities related to students needs and interests and promotion of school's expert and pedagogical work.

Expert associates in school institutions include: pedagogues, psychologists, librarians, and experts in special education and rehabilitation. The job of an expert associate may be performed by a person who has completed the corresponding graduate university study programme and has pedagogical competences.

The following education staff is employed in the pre-school institution performing the jobs of nursing, education, social and health care: a pre-school teacher and an expert associate (pedagogue, psychologist, speech therapist and rehabilitator) and a nurse as the head of the healthcare service. Educational staff in pre-school institutions must have an appropriate type and level of education, they have to pass an exam and have health occupation aptitude for performing jobs stipulated in the law. The job of a nurse can be performed by a person with completed undergraduate university programme or nursing study programme, or a study programme with attained vocational degree in the field of nursing in accordance with earlier regulations as well as a person with completed graduate university programme or specialist nursing study programme. For teacher qualifications see Initial Education for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education. The suitable type of education of educational staff as well as the level and the type of education of other staff in pre-school institutions are defined in an ordinance issued by the minister responsible for education. For conditions of service see Conditions of Service for Teachers in Early Childhood and School Education.


Other Staff

Apart from educational staff, there are other persons employed in school institutions performing administrative-technical and ancillary jobs. The administrative-technical service is comprised of: school secretary, head of accounting, administrative employees and technical maintenance and equipment operation employees for technical maintenance and cleaning of the building, installations and equipment. This directorate is in charge of general, legal and human resources affairs, accounting and bookkeeping, managing and keeping pedagogical documentation, pupils', parents' and employees' rights, technical maintenance and handling equipment and appliances, cleaning. Kindergarten having 17 to 20 educational groups or 340 to 400 children has to have preschool secretary, head of accounting and full time employee for administrative and accounting matters. Smaller kindergartens will employ above mentioned staff in line with their needs with the founder’s approval. Other staff also has the right and obligation to undergo continuous professional development and training. The adequate level and type of education of other employees in the kindergarten is prescribed by the Minister.