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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Developments and current policy priorities


8.Adult education and training

8.2Developments and current policy priorities

Last update: 28 March 2024

Reform of education in Montenegro, initiated in 2001, treats adult education for the first time in a qualitatively new manner and in the same way as other segments of education system.

Adult education is normatively regulated by legal and strategic documents. Law on Adult Education regulates the area of adult education and learning. The Law defines the objectives and principles of adult education, types and programmes of adult education, adult education providers, adult education learners, adult education plan, etc. The Strategy for Adult Education 2015-2025 provides guidelines which Montenegro will tend to follow in the field of adult education in the following decade. The main objective is to create preconditions to make education available to all citizens under equal conditions with the possibility of continuous improvement of their knowledge, skills and capabilities during their lifetime. The priority objectives defined by the Strategy are to:

  • increase social engagement of adult citizens through the activities of lifelong learning and education;

  • upgrade adults’ knowledge, skills and competences for employability, mobility on the labour market and competitiveness;

  • increase competences of the employed with a view to achieving faster economic development;

  • establish the system of quality assurance in adult education;

  • provide flexible and sustainable system of adult education.

Annual Plan for Adult Education 2023 presents the specific implementation of objectives listed within the Strategy for Adult Education of Montenegro (2015-2025). The Action Plan is the basis for the preparation and adopting annual adult education plans which includes and specifies in more details the activities and means necessary for their implementation.