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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support Measures for Learners in Early Childhood and School Education


12.Educational Support and Guidance

12.3Support Measures for Learners in Early Childhood and School Education

Last update: 13 August 2024

In accordance with the policy of inclusive education, MES considers education of children with disabilities (CD) as one of the main and most effective ways to integrate this group into the social, economic, cultural and political life of the country, therefore in cooperation with non-governmental organizations and civil society, MoES through its policies and measures and through its integrated plans with other institutions responsible in this area, is working to develop a qualitative and inclusive education. The foundation of this policy is the practice of an inclusive education without gender, racial, ethical and religious bias, and non- discrimination.

MES has continued the work to identify children with limited abilities outside of the education system, aiming to attract them in schools. MES has offered the chances for all persons with limited abilities of an adult age that want to continue the obliged education to be registered in part-time schools. MES has taken measures to inform the public and persons with limited abilities and their family members on the legal framework and bylaw acts for their priority treatment in education system. In cooperation with Save the Children, the manual of functioning of the Assessment Commission (AC) for limited abilities is drafted. This manual includes description of the duties of assistant teachers and its profile and description of assistance staff in schools.

Moreover, regarding inclusion of other vulnerable groups such as Roma and Egyptian the National Plan on Roma Integration is approved and functional. Roma and Egyptians that study at basic and primary school level are appointed with free of charge texts.