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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and Education Staff

9.7Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Based on VET law the teaching personnel both theoretical and practical in VET and adult learning institutions is compound by:

  • teachers of general culture
  • teachers of vocational culture

Instructors of practical fomation at learning centers.Initial education for teachers is similar to initial education for teachers of other levels. Beside the university formation teachers of vocational and adult learning providers need also to pass the state exam in order for them to be able to exercise their profession

In order to regulate adult education and learning a joint guidance is launched by MES. The guidance defines the criteria for general subject teacher for theoretical vocational subject teachers, for practical subjects vocational subjects’ teachers  as well as for instructors employed in vocational training centers.  Based on this guidance criteria for general teachers are similar with those of teachers employed in general high schools. Regarding teachers of vocational subjects  the relevant candidate for this position must possess a second level decree equal to a Professional Master [Master Professional] or its equivalent on subjects and professions related to the curricula of the institution in which he/she applies to be employed.  Teachers of practical professional subjects on the other hand must possess a higher education institution diploma from a subject related to the curricula of the institution on which he/she wishes to be employed, a work experience in the relevant profile of no less than 3 years. The applicant for instructor (specialist) in pubic centers of vocational training on the other hand must possess a technical higher education diploma related to the instructor profile he/she applies for and must have not less than two years of work experience in the relevant profile.