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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and education staff

9.7Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 19 December 2023

An adult educator means a specialist who supports the learning and personal development of adults in a purposefully created learning situation. Adults are educated in educational institutions of different kinds and with different ownerships. Therefore, the working conditions of and the requirements for educators largely depend on the educational institution.

The level of initial training of teachers and trainers working in the field of adult education is determined by the type of educational institution where the person works. In formal education, trainers are usually required to possess higher education or an academic degree, in non-formal education their qualification requirements are not regulated.

Bachelor´s programme in andragogy is offered in Tallinn University. 

A professional qualification standard of adult educator has been developed. The professional qualification may be applied for by a person from any speciality or vocation who teaches or supervises adults as a tutor or mentor. Applying for the qualification is voluntary. The standard also serves as a basis for the development of formal education and continuing education curricula for trainers of adults.

The professional qualification standard of adult educator establishes the fields of work and positions to which the standard is applied. Adult educator may teach at an upper secondary school for adults, vocational school (incl. run courses for adults), continuing education centre of a higher education institution, consultation or training company, non-formal education centre or the training centre of an institution or enterprise. The job title of a trainer of adults may be a teacher of adults, a lecturer, a teaching staff member, a trainer, a consultant, etc. The professional standard also describes the content of work of a trainer of adults and the competencies he or she must possess.