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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.2Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Educational institutions do not have any personnel directly monitoring quality of education.

In 2006, the Ministry of Education and Research introduced the obligation of internal evaluation in preschool child care institutions, general education schools and vocational schools with the objective to support the creation of an internal quality assurance system in these institutions. For this purpose, school teams and internal evaluation counsellors were trained from 2006 to 2007 under a project initiated by the Ministry of Education and Research.

With the adoption of a new Vocational Educational Institutions Act 1 in 2013, a new quality evaluation system (accreditation system) was implemented in vocational education. Accreditation is an external evaluation of study programme groups which is based on internal evaluation and is conducted by external independent assessors at school. 

The institution organising accreditation forms assessment committees for carrying out accreditation. An assessment committee has three to four members and it is made up of representatives of the employers involved in the area corresponding to the study programme group and of experts in teaching and education.

Requirements for the position of an official conducting administrative supervision

Administrative supervision over the teaching and education at schools is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Research. The supervising body shall appoint the officials conducting administrative supervision and involve experts if required. There are no specific requirements, different from those applicable to other officials, established for the officials exercising administrative supervision. The job description shall state the duties. 

Conditions of Service

Officials carrying out administrative supervision are the ministry's officials in the civil service. Generally, officials are appointed to office by way of a public competition and they shall take a written oath of office before entry into service. The working time of an official is 40 hours per week and he or she shall be entitled to annual leave of 35 calendar days. The retirement age of officials is the same as in case of persons who work on the basis of employment contracts but their pensions may be increased depending on the years of service.

The law establishes a number of restrictions to civil servants in their activities and they must also follow the public service code of ethics in their work. 

Legislative References

Conditions and procedure for accreditation of formal vocational education