The article 28 of the Framework law on preschool education and education in Bosnia and Herzegovina states that: „Competent educational authorities are obliged to provide control mechanisms for professional supervision of pedagogical monitoring and improvement of work in public and private preschool institutions in order to ensure that all preschool institutions work in accordance with standards and norms.“
Education inspectors are in charge of monitoring the work in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, dormitories and other institutions and legal persons conducting education activities or a part of it on the basis of the authorization, accreditation, agreement or other appropriate act of the Ministry. They are employed in the Pedagogical Institute, which is in most cases under jurisdiction of the ministry of education.
Requirements for Appointment
Inspectors for education are persons who are elected by posted advertisement. Requirements for appointment are regulated by law and refer to the general and special conditions. In addition to general there are special requirement: they must have completed at least the first level of higher education, have some experience in education, be without sentences and meet other conditions prescribed by law.
Conditions of Service
The Law on Public Administration defines educational tasks of inspection control in the most basic sense by stipulating that through inspection supervision the public administration bodies examine the implementation of laws and other regulations. By direct insight they control business and treatment of physical and legal entities and depending on the results of supervision impose measures for which they are authorized. Their work is defined by the labour law and the salary by the law on salaries.