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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.2Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education

Last update: 28 November 2024

In terms of external evaluation, the municipalities are responsible for public schools including school quality. State regulations require municipalities to prepare a quality report every two years, which describes developments in the municipal school system. The National Agency for Quality and Supervision is responsible for monitoring municipalities in the preparation of their annual report. The Agency is part of the Ministry of Children and Education. Evaluators employed by the Agency conduct an annual screening of all public schools (primary and lower secondary education) and publish its overall results.

For internal evaluation, each school is responsible for ensuring the quality of education with regard to the objectives of the Folkeskole. However, there are no central requirements or recommendations regarding the internal evaluation of schools. Municipalities decide whether and how schools should conduct an internal evaluation.

School heads also carry out interviews with teachers which act as a form of assessment of the individual teacher’s performance and as a basis for their professional development.

The Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA), an independent institution under the Ministry of Children and Education, is responsible for evaluating teaching and learning at all levels of the education system. 

For more information on school evaluation, please refer to the Eurydice report Assuring Quality in Education from 2015 as well as chapter 11 on quality assurance.

Inspectors or other evaluating staff do not exist in the Danish public school system.