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Assuring Quality in Education: Policies and Approaches to School Evaluation in Europe

Comparative Reports

Comparative Reports

Assuring Quality in Education: Policies and Approaches to School Evaluation in Europe

19 February 2018

Assuring Quality in Education: Policies and Approaches to School Evaluation in Europe



E-book EN



This report analyses the structures and organisation of school evaluation in primary and compulsory secondary level. It covers all EU Member States, as well as Iceland, Norway, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Türkiye. Schools form the basic building blocks of education and training systems, and school evaluation is an important way to monitor and improve their quality, as well as to enhance the quality of education at large. The report analyses the two major types of school evaluation: external evaluation, conducted by evaluators who are not staff members of the school concerned, and internal evaluation, performed primarily by members of its staff. The report contains country-specific descriptions and a comparative review of school evaluation in Europe.


Chapter 1: External Evaluation of Schools

Chapter 2: Internal Evaluation of Schools

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