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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice

Comparative reports

The European Higher Education Area in 2024: Bologna Process Implementation Report

27 May 2024

The Bologna Process Implementation report provides an overview of the latest policy commitments in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and assesses their implementation across the countries. 


Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe

30 April 2024

This Eurydice report investigates whether and to what extent higher education systems across Europe recognise and validate learning outcomes from non-formal and informal learning. Building on EU steering documents and objectives set within the Bologna Process, the report examines the validation of non-formal and informal learning as (1) an alternative access route to education and (2) a way to fulfil higher education study requirements.


Learning for sustainability in Europe: Building competences and supporting teachers and schools

16 April 2024

This Eurydice report focuses on the development of sustainability competences among learners and the support offered to teachers and schools to meet the challenges of the green transition in 39 European education systems. The report analyses how learning for sustainability is embedded in European curricula, and to what extent sustainability competences – defined on the basis of the European GreenComp framework – are included in these steering documents (Chapter 1).


2023 - Eurydice publications

15 January 2024

In 2023, Eurydice published a number of reports on various educational topics. An overview of our 2023 publications is now available. With just one click, you can easily get access to all our reports!


Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe - 2023: Higher education

30 November 2023

This report presents the results of the 2023 data collection on the Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in the area of higher education. 

The report aims to offer policymakers and other interested stakeholders an up-to-date snapshot of the presence (or absence) of key policies addressing gender equity, admissions, and lifelong learning. 

The 2023 update of the Structural indicators covers 38 European education systems.


Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe - 2023: Equity in school and higher education

30 November 2023

This report presents the results of the 2023 data collection on the Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in the area of equity in school and higher education.


Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe - 2023: The teaching profession

30 November 2023

This report presents the results of the 2023 data collection on the Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems regarding the teaching profession. 


Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe - 2023: Early leaving from education and training

30 November 2023

This report presents the results of the 2023 data collection on the Structural indicators in the area of early leaving from education and training (ELET). 

It contains indicators presenting top-level policies and measures in six relevant areas: early warning systems to prevent ELET; bullying and violence prevention in schools; teacher education and training on ELET; targeted support for learners at risk of ELET; multidisciplinary support teams in and around schools; and education and career guidance. 


Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe - 2023: Digital competence at school

30 November 2023

This report presents the results of the 2023 data collection on the Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in the area of digital competence. 

The report contains indicators related to curriculum approaches to teaching digital competence and informatics at school, development of teacher-specific digital competences, assessment of students’ digital competences and digital education ecosystem. 

The 2023 update of the Structural indicators covers 38 European education systems.


Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe - 2023: Key competences at school

30 November 2023

This report presents the results of the 2023 data collection on the Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in the area of key competences. 

The report contains indicators on policies related to horizontal enablers for the development of the key competences, including support for cross-curricular learning and active student participation in decision-making at school. 

The 2023 update of the Structural indicators covers 38 European education systems.
