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Comparative reports

Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe - 2023: Key competences at school

30 November 2023

This report presents the results of the 2023 data collection on the Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in the area of key competences. 

The report contains indicators on policies related to horizontal enablers for the development of the key competences, including support for cross-curricular learning and active student participation in decision-making at school. 

The 2023 update of the Structural indicators covers 38 European education systems.


Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe - 2023: Early childhood education and care

30 November 2023

This report explores a few main aspects of the situation in Europe regarding the right to affordable early childhood education and care (ECEC) of good quality for all children. It reveals large variations between European countries regarding the public commitment to provide a place in ECEC, the requirements for staff and educational guidelines. 

The report contains indicators on key policies in the areas of access, staff and educational guidelines. 

The 2023 update of the Structural indicators covers 38 European education systems.


Promoting diversity and inclusion in schools in Europe

10 October 2023

This report investigates existing national/top-level policies and measures that promote diversity and inclusion in school education.


Teachers' and school heads' salaries and allowances in Europe – 2021/2022

05 October 2023

Teachers’ remuneration and career prospects are an intrinsic part of policies aiming to attract the best candidates and ensure they remain in the profession. Are teachers in Europe well paid? What prospects for salary increases do they have as they progress in their career? Have teachers gained or lost purchasing power in recent years?


The structure of the European education systems 2023/2024: schematic diagrams

02 October 2023

This report illustrates schematic information on the structure of education systems in European countries, from pre-primary to tertiary level in the school year 2023/2024. It includes national diagrams, a guide to reading the diagrams and a map showing the main organisational models of primary and lower secondary education. The information is available for 39 European educational systems covering 37 countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme.


Compulsory education in Europe 2023/2024

02 October 2023

This fact sheet focuses on the duration of compulsory education/training in Europe. It highlights the starting and leaving ages and distinguishes the notions of full-time and part-time compulsory education/training. The information is available for 39 European education systems covering 37 countries participating in the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.


The organisation of school time in Europe. Primary and general secondary education - 2023/2024

28 September 2023

This report provides information on the start of the school year and its length, as well as the timing and length of school holidays. It covers both primary and general secondary education.

The information is available for the 37 countries participating in the EU's Erasmus+ programme (27 Member States, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Türkiye).


The organisation of the academic year in Europe – 2023/2024

07 September 2023

The academic calendar shows national data on how the academic year is structured (beginning of the academic year, term times, holidays and examination periods). Differences between university and non-university study programmes are also highlighted. The information is available for 37 countries.


Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe – 2022/2023

20 June 2023

Effective learning depends on many factors, but undoubtedly, the instruction time available to students plays a key role in their learning process. Along with the quality of instruction and the time available for learning after school, the increase in the amount of instruction time allocated to a discipline can help to raise students’ interest in that subject and can have positive effect on students’ performance, even more when the increase is accompanied by other support measures and directed at disadvantaged students.


Mobility Scoreboard: Higher education background report – 2022/2023

27 April 2023

Experiencing transnational mobility during education and training is a major boost in the life of many young people. Despite the added value that learner mobility brings and the increasing opportunities available, the path towards the free movement of students, researchers and trainees is still hampered by a number of obstacles. The purpose of the Mobility Scoreboard is to monitor progress made by European countries in promoting, and removing obstacles to, learning mobility. 
