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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice

Comparative reports

2022 - Eurydice publications

07 February 2023

In 2022, Eurydice published a number of reports on various educational topics. An overview of our 2022 publications is now available. With just one click, you can easily get access to all our reports!


Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe - 2022

18 November 2022

This year’s edition analyses more than 20 key structural indicators on education policies in early childhood education and care, achievement in basic skills, early leaving from education and training and higher education. It provides a short overview of major reforms since the 2014/15 school/academic year in these policy areas.


The organisation of school time in Europe. Primary and general secondary education 2022/2023

27 October 2022

This report provides information on the start of the school year and its length, as well as the timing and length of school holidays. It covers both primary and general secondary education.

The information is available for the 37 countries participating in the EU's Erasmus+ programme (27 Member States, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Türkiye).


The structure of the European education systems 2022/2023: schematic diagrams

07 October 2022

This report illustrates schematic information on the structure of education systems in European countries, from pre-primary to tertiary level. It includes national diagrams, a guide to reading the diagrams and a map showing the main organisational models of primary and lower secondary education. The information is available for 39 European educational systems covering 37 countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme.


Compulsory education in Europe 2022/2023

07 October 2022

This fact sheet focuses on the duration of compulsory education/training in Europe. It highlights the starting and leaving ages and distinguishes the notions of full-time and part-time compulsory education/training. The information is available for 39 European education systems covering 37 countries participating in the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.


Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances in Europe - 2020/2021

05 October 2022

Teachers’ remuneration and career prospects are an intrinsic part of policies aiming to attract the best candidates and ensure they remain in the profession. Are teachers in Europe well paid? What prospects for salary increases do they have as they progress in their career? Have teachers gained or lost purchasing power in recent years? This report shows the composition and differences in teachers’ earnings among countries in the Eurydice Network.


Informatics education at school in Europe

21 September 2022

Educating students at school in informatics is essential to equip every citizen with the basic knowledge required to participate, influence and contribute to the development of the digital world. Moreover, the digital economy, which is due to play a key role in Europe’s recovery from the pandemic, requires digitally competent citizens and workers.


Teaching and learning in schools in Europe during the Covid-19 pandemic

15 September 2022

Schools and pupils across Europe were heavily affected by the measures taken by various authorities to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. While complete school closures were rather rare and of relatively short duration, the rapid shift to distance or blended learning revealed large differences in the levels of digitalisation between countries as well as the digital capacities of schools, teachers and learners.


The organisation of the academic year in Europe 2022/2023

05 September 2022

The academic calendar shows national data on how the academic year is structured (beginning of the academic year, term times, holidays and examination periods). Differences between university and non-university study programmes are also highlighted. The information is available for 37 countries.


Supporting refugee learners from Ukraine in higher education in Europe 2022

06 July 2022

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has posed a serious threat to the lives of millions of people, many of whom have been forced to flee their home and search for protection in neighbouring European countries. The host countries are now called upon to respond to this situation by providing refugees from Ukraine with support measures to facilitate their rapid and successful integration in the new society. Higher education is a critical sector in this response, as the war has had a major impact on higher education staff and students from Ukraine.
