Teachers' and school heads' salaries and allowances in Europe – 2021/2022
Teachers’ remuneration and career prospects are an intrinsic part of policies aiming to attract the best candidates and ensure they remain in the profession. Are teachers in Europe well paid? What prospects for salary increases do they have as they progress in their career? Have teachers gained or lost purchasing power in recent years?
School heads have a crucial role to play in improving the quality of teaching and learning within schools and shaping a whole-school approach that helps tackle early school leaving. What are the minimum salaries for school heads? Does the size of their school impact their pay?
This report shows the composition and differences in teachers’ and school heads’ earnings among countries in the Eurydice Network. It provides information on statutory and actual salaries and covers pre-primary to general secondary education. Data used for the comparative report are available in open data format.
Country sheets present by country the information included in this report, and more (governance, qualification requirements, allowances, and actual salaries for school heads). They are available in open data format.
A new interactive visualisation tool is now available. It provides comparative and national information and allows for cross-searches between different categories and topics export in different formats.
Data have been collected jointly by the Eurydice and the OECD/NESLI networks.