Teachers' and school heads' salaries and allowances in Europe

This interactive tool provides data on statutory and actual salaries of full-time, fully qualified teachers and school heads in public schools, as well as information on the allowances that they may get in addition to their statutory salaries. It covers 39 education systems in 37 European countries, that are members of the Eurydice network. Data may also cover private government-dependent schools, which in some countries constitute the large majority of schools (see national information). Data is collected in accordance with the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) for pre-primary, primary, lower and upper general secondary education. Salary data refers to annual gross salaries, and may be:
Statutory data: Defined in regulations or other steering documents.
Actual data: Average actual earnings, including allowances and other additional payments.
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The purpose of this section is to present and compare information for the 39 education systems, relating to:
Evolution of statutory salaries (presented in constant prices).
Statutory salaries (presented in purchasing power standard).
Actual salaries (presented in purchasing power standard).
Allowances and other additional payments.
This section presents the information by education system relating to:
Evolution of statutory salaries.
Statutory salaries (presented in national currency and euro).
Actual salaries (presented in national currency and euro).
Allowances and other additional payments