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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Reference and support information documents

Reference and support information documents

Quality framework

Reference documents:

Key features

Teachers’ and school heads’ salaries and allowances is a yearly data collection.

Data are collected jointly by:

EACEA and the OECD secretariat undertake a joint cleaning phase to clarify with countries belonging to the two networks any remaining issues.

Any divergence to definitions or national specificities important to understand data are available in the country-specific notes.

All information is collected according to the International standard classification of education (ISCED 2011).

All salary data is collected in the national currency.

EACEA and the OECD secretariat undertake a joint cleaning phase to clarify with countries belonging to the two networks any remaining issue. For countries, which do not participate in NESLI, the cleaning phase is managed by EACEA solely.

For this visualisation tool, all data sets and texts are prepared by EACEA and checked by the Eurydice national units.

Use of Eurostat data

Some of the data presented are calculated based on Eurostat datasets:

  • Euro/ECU exchange rates to convert salaries in national currency into euros
    ([ERT_BIL_EUR]; time frequency: annual; statistical information: average; unit of measure: national currency)
  • Purchasing power parities (PPPs) to calculate salaries in purchasing power standard (PPS) and thus facilitate international comparison
    ([PRC_PPP_IND]; time frequency: annual; national accounts indicator (ESA 2010): purchasing power parities (EU27_2020=1); Analytical categories for purchasing power parities (PPPs) calculation: actual individual consumption)
  • harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) to calculate salaries at constant prices for trends to adjust for the effects of inflation, using the HICP rate (instead of HICP 2015=100).
    ([PRC_HICP_AIND]; time frequency: annual; unit of measure: annual average index; classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP): all-items HICP).

Tools for the data collection