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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.2Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

The quality of the education and training system is assured through the National evaluation system (SNV) that involves three subjects: the National institute for the evaluation of the education and training system (Invalsi), the National institute of documentation, innovation and educational research (Indire), and the inspectors (called technical managers). Within the SNV inspectors evaluate schools and school managers.

Exceptionally, inspectors evaluate the teacher’s service quality upon request of the school administration in the context of disciplinary measures or procedures for the exemption from service, due to incapacity or constantly insufficient performance.

Beside their functions in the evaluation context, inspectors carry out the following activities:

  • support to update activities and in service training for school managers and teachers; promotion of the coordination of such activities and evaluation of the results;
  • formulation of proposals and advices on curricula development; preparation of the tests for the final exams at the end of the school cycles; definition of the minimum requirements for the school service and use of new educational technologies;
  • technical and teaching assistance to schools in pupils’ assessment and school self-evaluation;
  • supervision of the procedures of the school cycles final exams;
  • check of regular attendance, continuity and quality in the performance of school managers, as well as of teaching and non-teaching staff;
  • study and research activities as well as technical advice for the Minister and heads of departments;
  • chairmanship of inter-institutional working groups at provincial level for the integration of handicapped  pupils.

Requirements for appointment

Inspectors (technical managers) of the Ministry are school managers or qualified teachers with at least nine years of service, who have passed an open competition based on qualifications and tests. Competitive examinations are organised separately for each level of education and, as for secondary education, for each teaching subjects. In case of a high number of candidates, they may be required to pass a multiple-choice pre-selection test. Examinations consist in three written tests and an oral test; admission to the oral test requires that candidates have obtained not less than 70 marks out of 100, in each written test. A minimum of 70 marks is also required to pass the oral test.

It is also possible to appoint technical managers directly through three-year contracts.

Conditions of service

Technical managers of the Ministry have the same conditions of service of state administration managers, regulated by legislation and by the relevant National labour contract.

Technical managers’ sign an individual contract that must contain the starting date of the employment relationship, the status and the basic salary, the working place and the duration of the probationary period. The probationary period lasts 6 months and it is not renewable nor extendable.

The manager organises his/her working times and activities autonomously.

Managers with permanent a contract receive a specific appointment for a fixed period of 3 to 5 years. Managers can be confirmed in the same office or can be removed beforehand but only in case of organisational and managerial motivated reasons.

Managers are evaluated every year and at the end of their appointment in order to confirm their appointment or to assign them to another office.

Managers have the right to paid leave for holidays and national festivities, for marriage, mourning or for serious personal or family reasons, as well as to unpaid leave for personal or family reasons. To managers apply also regulations on maternity and paternity leave and on participation to exams, competitions, seminars, etc.

The employment relationship ceases at reaching the maximum age or length of service, for the manager’s resignation or dismissal, upon agreement between the manager and the administration, death or loss of citizenship.

Managers’ salary is made up of a fixed and a variable amount. The fixed amount is made up of the gross annual basic salary (€ 43 310,90), the fixed additional salary (€ 12 155,61) and the seniority salary. The variable amount is given by the additional variable salary and by the result-based salary.