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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in higher education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.4National reforms in higher education

Last update: 27 February 2025
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ITS – Adoption of three Decrees implementing the reform (law 99/2022)

On 17 May 2023, the Minister of Education and Merit adopted three implementation decrees of the ITS Academy reform law (Law 99/2023).

The DM 87/2023, defines the constitution of the National ITS Academy Committee and its functions. The committee consists of 12 members, each appointed by a Ministry and three members representing the regions, appointed by the Conference of the Regions. The Committee has advisory and proposal functions.

The DM 88/2023, contains provisions on the following points:

- criteria and procedures for the constitution of the commissions for the final assessment tests in the Higher Technological Institutes (ITS Academy) and relative remuneration of the members

- general indications for the tests and scores of the final assessment and for the related certification, conformed to the other certifications in order to facilitate the recognition and the circulation, at national and European Union level, of the qualifications obtained at the end of the training courses

- models for the certification for applied technologies and the higher specialisation diploma for applied technologies, to ensure the supply of higher technicians at post-secondary level in the technological areas considered strategic.

Finally, the DM 89/2023 provides the outline of the statutes to be adopted by the ITS Academy foundations.

Source: Ministry of Education and Merit, page 'Decrees implementing law no. 99/2023' (last access: August 2023)