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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure


7.Higher education

7.4Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure

Last update: 16 July 2024

Universities and institutions of the Higher education for the fine arts, music and dance (Alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica - AFAM) offer programmes aimed at scientific study, advanced training and further education, leading to second and third-cycle qualifications other than master degrees and PhDs. Access to courses and their duration are centrally established. 

All the qualifications released in the Italian education and training system, both State and Regional, are referenced to the NQF (pp. 85-89) that corresponds to the EQF. Qualifications issued by universities and AFAM institutions are also described in the Italian qualification framework of Higher education (QTI).

Furthermore, universities and AFAM institutions can offer courses leading to certification that are not classified as second or third-cycle qualifications. Single institutions establish the structure of courses and access criteria. Courses usually last for a few months and students' workload corresponds to a limited number of credits (less than 60 credits). At completion of courses, institutions issue either an attendance certification or a certification which name varies according to the institution offering the course.

Specific Second-Cycle Programmes

University Education

Alongside master's programmes leading to a second-cycle qualification (laurea magistrale), universities may organise scientific in-depth studies and further education courses leading to second-cycle qualifications other than master's.

Courses last minimum one year (60 ECTS credits) and lead to the qualification called master universitario di primo livello (first-level university qualification).

Access to master universitario di primo livello requires the possession of a bachelor's degree (laurea); universities may also require candidates to pass an admission exam or to meet further specific requirements. Courses are not organised according to national programmes and single universities issue the relevant qualification under their own autonomous responsibility.

The master universitario di primo livello does not give access to third-cycle programmes.

Higher education for the fine arts, music and dance (AFAM)

Alongside master's programmes leading to a second-cycle qualification (Diploma accademico di II livello), AFAM institutions may organise courses leading to the following second-cycle qualifications, other than master's:

  • Diploma accademico di specializzazione - I livello (Specialisation academic Diploma – I level)
  • Diploma di perfezionamento o Master - I livello (In-depth Diploma or Master – I level). 

Courses are addressed to holders of a bachelor's degree Diploma Accademico di I livello.

Courses leading to a Diploma accademico di specializzazione - I livello aim at providing students with high-level professional competencies in specific sectors. Courses have a minimum length of two years (120 credits).

Courses leading to the Diploma di perfezionamento o Master - I livello, aim at meeting the cultural needs of in-depth studies in certain study sectors as well as of professional refreshing or requalification and lifelong learning needs. Their duration is minimum one year (60 credits).

None of the two programmes gives access to third-cycle programmes.

Specific Third-Cycle Programmes

University Education

Alongside the PhDs courses, universities may organise courses leading to the following third-cycle qualifications:

  • Master universitario di II livello (Second-level university Master).
  • Diploma di specializzazione (Specialisation Diploma). 

Courses leading to a Master universitario di II livello aim at ensuring scientific and high-level education and are addressed to holders of a master's degree (laurea magistrale). Universities may also require candidates to pass an admission exam or to meet further specific requirements. Courses last minimum one year (60 credits). Courses are not organised according to national programmes and single universities issue the relevant qualification under their own autonomous responsibility. The Master universitario di II livello qualification does not allow access to third-cycle programmes. 

Courses leading to a Diploma di specializzazione  are designed to provide knowledge and abilities for particular professional activities. Courses can be set up exclusively according to specific regulations or European directives. Courses are mainly activated for clinical surgical subjects and offer specialised training for legal professions (lawyers, judges, notaries). Admission to courses leading to a Diploma di specializzazione requires a master's degree, or another equivalent qualification attained abroad. Specific ministerial decrees establish admission requirements for each course, which may include further credits, additional to the qualification required for the admission. Besides having the required qualifications, candidates should also pass an open competition. Courses last from 2 up to 6 years (120-360 credits).

Higher education for the fine arts, music and dance (AFAM)

Alongside the courses leading to the Diploma accademico di formazione alla ricerca (Research academic diploma), AFAM institutions organise courses leading to the acquisition of the following qualifications:

  • Diploma accademico di specializzazione – II livello (second-level specialisation academic diploma)
  • Diploma di perfezionamento o Master - II livello (second-level in-depth diploma or master).

Courses leading to a Diploma accademico di specializzazione – II livello, aim at providing students with high-level professional competencies in specific sectors. Courses have a minimum length of two years (120 CFA).

Courses leading to the Diploma di perfezionamento o Master - II livello, aim at meeting the cultural needs of in-depth studies in certain study sectors as well as of professional refreshing or requalification and lifelong learning needs. Courses last a minimum of one year (60 CFA credits).

Both programmes are addressed to holders of a master's degree (Diploma accademico di secondo livello).

None of the two qualifications allows access to Phd courses.