Teachers of adult education programmes leading to formal qualifications of the school system are recruited among teachers of the national education system and, therefore, the same CPD requirements apply.
According to the type of course, external experts are often engaged to teach in Programmes aimed at the development of basic, social and cultural skills. Therefore, information on their continuing professional development are not available, due to their varied provenance.
The latest reform of adult education (DPR 263/2012) had foreseen national initiatives dedicated to the professional development of the staff of CPIAs (provincial centres for adult education). The Activity plan for the innovation of adult education (Paideia) started in 2014 with the aim of consolidating and updating competences of the staff, in order to favour the application of the new organisation of CPIAs. The subjects involved in this plan are – in addition to Indire and Invalsi – the Regional school offices.
Contents revised: February 2024