General legislation
Constitution of the Italian Republic
Gazzetta Ufficiale, no. 298, 27/12/1947
The Constitution is the fundamental legislative act and the highest act in the hierarchy of the legislative sources. It defines the nature, the form, the structure, as well as the fundamental principles and rules of the State. The Constitution was published on the 27 December 1947 and entered into force on the 1st January 1948. It has a written and rigid form. It is made up of 139 articles. Articles 33 and 34 establish the basic principles on education:
According to article 33, arts and sciences and their teaching is open. The State sets the general rules on education and establishes State schools at all levels of education. Public and private bodies are entitled to set educational institutions without costs for the State. The State may acknowledge to private schools a status equal to State schools under certain conditions established by the law. State exams take place at the end of each cycle of education and to gain qualification for certain professions. Universities and higher education institutions are autonomous within the limits established by the law.
Article 34 establishes that the school is open to everyone and that the lower levels of education should cover at least eight years and must be compulsory and provided for free. Capable and deserving students, even if without means, have the right to reach the highest levels of education through allowances and grants from the State.
The Constitution is also available in English.
Law 3 March 2020, no. 12
Gazzetta Ufficiale no. 61, 9/03/2020
Law no. 12 converts the Decree 1/2020 establishing the Ministry of education and the Ministry of University and research that replace the former single Ministry of education, university and research. The Decree also modifies art. 5 of the D.Lgs 300/1999 on the functions of the Ministries.
Law 6 August 2008, no. 133
Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 195 del 21 agosto 2008 - Suppl. Ordinario n. 196
Law no.133 converts into law the Decree 122/2008 concerning, among others, urgent measures to reduce the public costs also in the field of education. It provides also for the reorganization of all the education levels.
DPR 31 August 1999, no. 394
Gazzetta Ufficiale 3 novembre 1999 n.258 - Supplemento Ordinario n.190/L
Provisions concerning immigration and the status of strangers in Italy. It deals also with the access to education and the recognition of diplomas obtained abroad.
D.Lgs. 16 April 1994, no. 297
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 115, 19/05/1994, Supplemento ordinario
Consolidated act of legislative dispositions on education, concerning all educational levels.
Law 5 February 1992, no. 104
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 39, 17/02/1992, Supplemento ordinario
Frame law for the assistance, social integration and rights of people with disabilities.
ECEC and School education
D.M. 7 September 2024, no.183
The Decree is the document that adopts the Guidelines for the teaching of civic education ‘Linee guida sull’apprendimento dell’educazione civica’, annexed to the Decree itself. The Guidelines describe the contents of the teaching of civic education, as well as the goals and achievements that students are expected to achieve in this subject from preprimary to upper secondary education. The new Guidelines replace the previous Guidelines of 2020.
D.M 24 February 2022, no. 43
The Decree contains the National guidelines for the early childhood education services (Orientamenti nazionali per i servizi educativi per l'infanzia), which is the reference document for all ECEC services welcoming children up to the age of three years. Together with the National guidelines for the integrated system 0-6 and the National guidelines for the curriculum for ECEC 3-6, they make up the reference framework for the educational activities in the whole ECEC system.
DM 22 November 2021, no. 334
The Decree contains the National guidelines for the integrated system from 0 to 6 years of age. It is the reference document providing all ECEC services, both for younger and older children with a general educational frame.
Law 20 August 2019, n. 92
Gazzetta Ufficiale 21 agosto 2019, n. 195
The law has introduced the teaching of civic education in all levels of education.
D.M. 26 November 2018, no. 769
The Decree makes available to schools the reference frameworks for the written tests of the State examination at the end of the upper secondary education. The reference frameworks describe in details the possible contents and aims of each test. The Decree also provides schools with evaluation form models to have a more homogeneous evaluation of students.
D.M. 9 May 2018, no. 378
The Decree establishes the contents of the qualifications required to work as educators in ECEC settings for children aged less than three years. It also regulates the specialisation course that graduates with a Master degree for teaching in pre-primary and primary schools are required to complete in order to work as educators.
D.M. 24 May 2018, n. 92
The Decree follows the revision of the vocational paths in school-based vocational upper secondary education. It describes in details: the learning outcomes in terms of knowledge and skills with reference to the general area of learning; the competences and skills students are expected to acquire at the end of each of the 11 paths; the annual timetables of each subject for each path. The Decree replaces the previous DPR 87/2010.
D.M 3 October 2017, no 742
The Decree makes available to school the model document for the certification of the competences that pupils have acquired during the first cycle of education. the certification is released at the end of primary and lower secondary school.
D.M. 27 October 2015, no. 850
The Decree describes the objectives of the induction period, the training activities and the criteria for the evaluation of teachers during their training.
Law 13 July 2015, no. 107
Gazzetta Ufficiale, n. 162, 15/07/2015
The law reforms some aspects of the education and training system and gives to the Government the task of reorganising the legislation on education. Law 107 has been implemented through a series of Decrees each regulating specific aspects of the reform:
- D.Lgs. 13 April 2017, no. 59 establishes the reorganisation and simplification of ITE and of the recruitment of teachers in secondary education.
- D.Lgs. 13 April 2017, no. 61 regulates the revision of vocational education and its connections with the regional vocational training system.
- D.Lgs. 13 April 2017, no. 62 regulates the assessment procedures and the recognition of competences in the first cycle of education, as well as some changes in the final State exams. D.M. 3 October 2017, no. 741 makes these dispositions applicable.
- D.Lgs. 13 April 2017, no. 65 establishes the so called ‘integrated system’ of education from birth to six years of age.
- D.Lgs. 13 April 2017, no. 66 modifies some aspects of the inclusion in mainstream education of pupils and students with disabilities.
DPR 28 March 2013, no. 80
Gazzetta Ufficiale, n. 155, 04/07/2013
Regulation on the national evaluation system concerning education and training.
DPR 20 August 2012, no. 175
Gazzetta Ufficiale 16 Ottobre 2012, n. 242
The Decree gives execution of the agreement between the Minister of education, university and research and the President of the Italian bishops' Conference for the teaching of the Catholic religion in State schools. It contains dispositions on the organisation of the teaching of Catholic religion and on the general requirements to teach Catholic religion in State schools.
D.M 16 November 2012, no. 254
The Decree has introduced the new National Guidelines for the Curriculum for pre-primary education and for the first cycle of education. National guidelines replace the previous guidelines of 2004 and 2007. In 2018, the document has been updated by the National guidelines and new scenarios (Indicazioni nazionali e nuovi scenari)
Law 17 December 2012, no. 221
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 294, 18/12/2012
The law (for the conversion of law-decree 179/2012) introduces urgent measures for the economic growth of the country. It includes measures on textbooks, specifying the meaning of digital and mixed version of textbooks.
Ministerial Directive 16 January 2012, no. 4
Gazzetta Ufficiale n.76, 30-3-2012 - SO n. 60
Directive for the publication of the new Guidelines for the third, fourth and fifth year of technical upper secondary education.
Ministerial Directive 16 January 2012, no. 5
Gazzetta Ufficiale n.76, 30-3-2012 - SO n. 60
Directive for the publication of the new Guidelines for the third, fourth and fifth year of vocational upper secondary education.
Law 26 February 2011, no. 10
Gazzetta Ufficiale, n.47, 26/02/2011, SO n. 53
Law establishing the National Evaluation System.
Law 8 October 2010, no. 170
Law recognising the rights of pupils with Specific Learning Disabilities. It also provides indications of the diagnosis and educative and teaching measures to support pupils with SLD.
D.M. 7 October 2010, no. 211
Decree providing National Guidelines for the curriculum in general upper secondary schools (licei), issued according to the reform of upper secondary education of 2010 (D.M. 89/2010).
D.M. 10 September 2010, no. 249
Decree on the reform of the initial teacher training system for teachers of all school levels, preprimary included.
Ministerial Directive 15 July 2010, no. 57
Directive providing guidelines for the curriculum of the first two years of studies in technical institutes, according to the reform of upper secondary education (DPR no. 88/2010 re-organising the upper secondary technical education).
Ministerial Directive 28 July 2010, no. 65
Directive providing guidelines for the curriculum of the first two years of studies in vocational institutes, according to the reform of upper secondary education (DPR no. 87/2010 re-organising the upper secondary vocational education).
DPR 11 February 2010
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 105 del 7/05/2010
Decree for the approval of learning objectives for Catholic religious education in pre-primary education and in the first cycle of education.
DPR 15 March 2010, no. 87
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 137 del 15/06/2010
Decree providing for the new organisation of vocational institutes, according to the reform of the upper secondary level of education.
DPR 15 March 2010, no. 88
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 137 del 15/06/2010
Decree providing for the new organisation of technical institutes, according to the reform of the upper secondary level of education.
DPR 15 March 2010, no. 89
Decree providing for the new organisation of general upper secondary institutes (licei), according to the reform of the upper secondary level of education.
DPR 20 March 2009, no. 81
Gazzetta Ufficiale 2 luglio 2009, n. 151
This Decree has been issued according to Law 133/2008 in order to reorganize the school network and to have a more efficient use of human resources at school. It includes disposition on the new limits for the class size at all school level.
DPR 20 March 2009, no. 89
Gazzetta Ufficiale 15 luglio 2009, n. 162
This Decree has been issued according to Law 133/2008 and provides for the revision of the organisation of the preprimary, primary and lower secondary levels. It includes the dispositions on early enrolments to preprimary schools, the curriculum, the new organisation of the school time foreseen also by law 169/2008 for primary and lower secondary schools, starting from school year 2009/2010.
DPR 22 June 2009, no. 122
Gazzetta Ufficiale 19 agosto 2009, n. 191
Decree for the coordination of the dispositions on the evaluation of students.
Law 30 October 2008, no. 169
Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 256 del 31 ottobre 2008
Conversion into Law of the Decree 1st September 2008, no. 137 concerning urgent dispositions on education and university. This law introduced a new organisation of school time at primary level and new rules for the adoption of textbooks. Some dispositions, e.g. on the assessment of pupils and on the transversal teaching of Citizenship and Constitutions, have been repealed.
D.M. 22 August 2007, no. 139
The Decree deals with the extension of the length of compulsory education up to 10 years of education (from 6 to 16 years of age). The Decree describes also competences and knowledge that pupils are expected to have acquired at the end of compulsory education.
Law 11 January 2007, no. 1
Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 10 del 13 gennaio 2007
Provisions concerning the State upper secondary education leaving exams. It also delegates the Government the regulation of the links between schools and the universities.
Inter-Ministerial Decree 29 November 2007
The Decree, signed by both the Ministry of education and the Ministry of labour, establishes that compulsory education can be fulfilled also within the three-year vocational training courses, falling under the responsibilities of the Regions.
DPR 21 November 2007, no. 235
Gazzetta Ufficiale 18 dicembre 2007, n. 293
Regulation laying down amendments and additions to DPR 24 June 1998, no. 249, concerning Charter of students at secondary school level (Statuto delle studentesse e degli studenti).
DPR 24 June 1998, no. 249
Gazzetta ufficiale, Roma, n.175 del 29/07/1998
Regulation containing Charter of students at secondary school level (Statuto delle studentesse e degli studenti).
Law 3 February 2006, no. 27
Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 29 del 4 febbraio 2006
Law for the conversion of the DL 250/2005 concerning non State schools. This law establishes that non State schools can only belong to two types of schools: paritarie (equal to State schools) and non paritarie (non-equal to State schools).
D.Lgs. 15 April 2005, no. 76
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 103, 05/05/2005
General dispositions on right/duty (diritto/dovere) to education and training, as foreseen by the reform law no. 53 of 2003.
D.Lgs. 19 February 2004, no. 59
Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 51 del 2 marzo 2004, Supplemento Ordinario n. 31
Decree which sets out the general rules for pre-primary education and for the first cycle of education, in pursuance of the reform law n. 53 of 28 March 2003.
Law 28 March 2003, no. 53
Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 77 del 2 aprile 2003
Delegation to the Government for the definition of general provisions on education and for the definition of expected minimum levels of performances in education and in vocational training. It provides for the reform of the whole education system.
Law 10 March 2000, no. 62
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 67, 31/03/2000
Rules on the recognition of the equal status to private schools and to schools run by local authorities and provisions concerning the right to study and to education.
DPR 8 March 1999, no. 275
Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 186, 10/081999
Regulation that defines the general frame on the teaching, administrative and organisational autonomy of schools and of their functions. It establishes also the contents of the Three-year educational offer plan (Piano Triennale dell’offerta formativa – PTOF), which is the document each school draws up to describe its pedagogical and educational offer.
Higher education
Law 15 July 2022, no. 99
Gazzetta Ufficiale n.173, 26-07-2022
The Law establishes the system of the Higher technological tertiary education. Within the system, Higher technological institutes, also called ITS Academies, offer both short-cycle and Bachelor programmes in technological fields with high level of specialisation
D.M. 7 June 2016, no. 120
The Decree establishes criteria and benchmarks for awarding the national scientific habilitation, which is a necessary requirement to access the recruitment procedures to become professor at universities.
DPR 4 April 2016, no. 95
Gazzetta Ufficiale, n. 130, 6/06/2016
Decree of the President of the Republic that regulates the procedures for awarding the national scientific habilitation, necessary to apply for public vacancies published by universities to recruit professors, both full and associate.
D.M. 8 February 2013, no. 45
The Decree includes methods for the accreditation of doctoral courses and of institutions providing doctoral courses. It also establishes the criteria that accredited institutions should follow for setting out doctoral courses.
Inter-ministerial Decree of 7 September 2011
The Decree establishes the general regulation of Higher technical institutes (ITS), i.e. certifications, specialisations, evaluation and certification of competences.
Inter-ministerial Decree 21 July 2011, no. 313
The decree establishes the minimum and maximum hourly amount paid to professors directly recruit by universities for integrative teaching needs.
D.M. 9 March 2011, no. 102
Decree establishing the minimum annual amount of research allowances.
DPR 15 December 2011, no. 232
Gazzetta Ufficiale, n. 33, 9/02/2012
Decree that regulates the economic treatment of university professors and researchers.
Law 30 December 2010, no. 240
Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 10, 14-01-2011
The law contains dispositions on the organisation of universities, on the teaching staff and their recruitment. It also delegates the government to issue regulations aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of the university system.
D. Lgs. 14 January 2008, no. 21
Definition of guidance pathways for university and High education in art and music, for a connection between school, university and Institutes for High education in art and music, as well as for the exploitation of quality of students’ school achievements in their access to university degree courses with an admission test, as foreseen by law 2 August 1999 and law 11 January 2007.
DPR 8 July 2005, no. 212
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n.243, 18/10/2005
Dispositions for the definition of the didactical programs at the Institutes for High education in art and music (Afam) as foreseen by law no. 508 of 1999.
D.M. 3 November 1999, no. 509
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 2, 04/01/2000
Regulation concerning teaching autonomy of the universities.
Law 2 August 1999, no. 264
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 183, 06/08/1999
Provisions concerning admission to university courses.
Law 21 December 1999, no. 508
Gazzetta Ufficiale, Roma, n. 2, 04/01/2000
Reform of Academies of Fine Arts, National Academies of the Dance, Higher Institutes for Artistic Industries, Music Schools and approved Music Institutes.
Adult education
Inter-Ministerial Decree of 8 January 2018
Gazzetta Ufficiale, no. 20 of 25/01/2018
The Decree established the National framework for qualifications released within the National system for the certification of competences.
D.Lgs. 16 January 2013, no. 13
Gazzetta Ufficiale, n. 39, 15/02/2013
General dispositions and expected minimum levels of performance for identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning as well as of minimum service standards of the national system for skills certification, as foreseen by law 28 June 2012, no. 92.
DPR 29 October 2012, no. 263
Gazzetta Ufficiale, n. 47, 25/2/2013
Regulation laying down general rules on restructuring the teaching organisation of Adult education institutions, including evening classes.
State-Regions Conference Agreement 20 December 2012, no. 252
Agreement on referencing the Italian qualifications system to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) for lifelong learning addressed in the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008.