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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.2Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Requirement for appointment

Guidance and control positions in school education are:

  • Guidance and control positions in school inspectorates:
    • school inspector
  • Guidance and control positions in the Ministry of Education:
    • general inspector
    • specialty principal inspector
    • other positions set by a governmental decision. 
  • Management positions in a school inspectorate are:
    • general school inspector
    • deputy general school inspector.

Guidance and control positions in school inspectorates can be occupied, based on a competition, by teachers with tenure who are members of the national body of experts. By way of exception from the legal provisions in force, teachers with tenure who are not experts in educational management but hold a bachelor degree and the teaching degree I or II may participate in the competitions for guidance and control positions in school inspectorates.

The competition board for guidance and control positions in school inspectorates is composed of:

  • the general school inspector, as chair
  • a representative of the Ministry of Education
  • a professor or a university reader with the profile of the position concerned.

The candidates in competitions for management, guidance and control positions in school inspectorates should obtain at least the mark 7 at the written test in order to progress to the interview test. The points obtained at the interview should be at least 7.

The teaching staff who passed the competition are appointed in guidance and control positions in school inspectorates by the general school inspector, with the endorsement of the Ministry of Education.

If a position was not occupied through competition or became vacant in the interval between competition periods, a school inspector is appointed in compliance with the conditions stipulated in the methodology of the competition by assignment in the interest of education until a new competition is organised, but no later than the end of the school year.

School inspectors conclude a management contract with the general school inspector. The management contract may be extended, if the parties so agree, after an evaluation of managerial performance.

The responsibilities of school inspectors are determined so as school inspectorates may perform their functions. School inspectors are responsible for the evaluation of the educational system and process in compliance with the law. The general school inspector assigns to each school inspector a number of schools in a particular area for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

Guidance and control positions in the Ministry of Education can be occupied based on a competition. The competition consists in:

  • a curriculum vitae, which is analysed and evaluated.
  • a special classroom inspection
  • a practical test, consisting in classroom audience, analysis of lessons and an inspection report.
  • an interview before a board on matters of educational management and professional deontology; and
  • a written test in the profile of the position concerned.

The competition board for guidance and control positions in the Ministry of Education is composed of:

  • the state secretary of the department where the position in the competition is offered, as chair
  • the general director of that department
  • a professor or a university reader with the same profile as that of the position concerned, appointed by the education minister.

Representatives of the main unions in the field of education are entitled to access to the documents of the boards.

The teaching staff who passed the competition are appointed in guidance and control positions in the Ministry of Education by an order of the Education Minister.

Conditions of service

The main responsibilities of school inspectors include:

  • (i) the area of curriculum and school inspection
  • (ii) the area of management, which includes school inspectors for:
    • institutional management
    • human resources management
    • development of human resources
    • lifelong learning
    • educational projects
    • private education and educational alternatives
    • out-of-school activities
    • national minorities.

School inspectors with competence in the area curriculum and school inspection have the following duties

  • to control and check the application of legislation and regulations in force concerning the school curriculum.
  • to design, organise, conduct and capitalise on school inspection in schools.
  • to monitor the use of alternative textbooks and approved auxiliary resources.
  • to monitor schooling and students’ participation in classes throughout compulsory education.
  • to ensure the organisation of national examinations, admission competitions and certification examinations for vocational qualifications in schools, as well as school competitions by school subjects and occupations, cultural-artistic competitions and sports competitions at county level, by law and in accordance with the regulations, rules and methodologies developed for these purposes by the Ministry of Education.
  • to check the activity of the teaching staff with regard to material resources in schools: laboratories, school offices, workshops, libraries, demonstration rooms, school farms, etc.
  • to develop guidelines and methodological recommendations which they distribute, with the approval of the school inspectorate management, to schools.
  • to guide and control the activity of teachers in their field and to carry out school inspection activities, drafting specific documents.
  • to develop a professional portfolio, which includes the documents related to their activity.
  • to draw up, update and handle the procedures for the specific activities of their post.

The school inspector for institutional management has the following duties

  • to provide counselling for the management of their subordinate schools on issues related to management, conflict resolution, legislation, school’s relations with parents and local public administration.
  • to monitor the implementation of institutional decentralisation.
  • to carry out, based on a regular order of the general school inspector, checks in schools or in cooperation with other institutions.
  • to organise regular meetings with the management staff in schools to discuss current issues.
  • to verify the application of measures stipulated in action plans resulting from school inspections.
  • to check and update the databases of school management.
  • to draw up, update and handle the procedures for the specific activities of their post.

The school inspector for human resources management ensures the application of national policies in the area of human resources and has the following duties

  • to ensure the application of national policies in the area of human resources.
  • to design and organise the activities involved in the mobility of teaching staff.
  • to provide counselling and assistance to schools concerning the management of teaching posts at school/consortium level and the recruitment, selection, employment and management of human resources.
  • to monitor the activities concerned with the establishment, vacancy and occupation of teaching posts in schools.
  • to analyse and rectify, in cooperation with the schools concerned, the offer of teaching posts/vacant chairs/reserved chairs, and to endorse it.
  • to display and update, at the school inspectorate, the list of teaching posts/positions before the initiation of the selection and employment procedures for these teaching posts/chairs.
  • to organise the national competition and the county competition for teaching positions in school education in accordance with the framework methodology.
  • to assign the candidates to teaching positions after the competitions organised for teaching positions in school education.
  • to assign to vacant posts/chairs those teachers who are restraining their activity in accordance with the methodology developed by the Ministry of Education.
  • to centralise, at county level, the teaching posts and the classes which remained unoccupied and distribute them in accordance with the methodology in force.
  • to supply together with the authorities of the local public administration the necessary teaching staff for ant-preschool education.
  • to supply the human resources for home-based schooling for children, students and youth who, due to medical reasons or disabilities, are immobile.
  • to request and keep copies of the appointment documents of headteachers.
  • to organise, as appropriate, based on a proposal of the county centre for educational assistance and resources, groups or classes within medical facilities hospitalising children, students and young people with chronic diseases or diseases requiring hospitalisation for more than 4 weeks.
  • to supply the human resources for the schooling of minors and adults in re-education centres, penitentiaries for minors and young people and penitentiaries for adults.
  • to draw up, update and handle the procedures for the specific activities of their post.
  • to monitor the competitions for teaching positions in private schools.
  • to draw up and manage the database of the teaching staff employed in school education establishments. 

The school inspector for the development of human resources has the following duties: 

  • to draw up the human resources development plan at county level/for Bucharest.
  • to identify and analyse the in-service teacher training needs in the county, in cooperation with the school inspectors and methodology teachers from the in-service teacher training centre.
  • to propose to the in-service teacher training centre, in accordance with the identified training needs, the organisation of in-service teacher training programmes at county level/in Bucharest.
  • to design, organise and monitor teachers’ career progress through teaching degrees.
  • to plan, coordinate and monitor current inspections and special inspections for a definitive teaching degree (definitivare în învăţământ), teaching degrees I and II (grade didactice I şi II), the award of the teaching degree I based on a doctorate title.
  • to participate in the organisation of the national examination for a definitive teaching degree (examenul naţional de definitivare în învăţământ).
  • to monitor and evaluate, together with the in-service teacher training centre, the impact of training programmes on the activity of the teaching staff involved.
  • to develop and manage the specific databases for their area of competence.
  • to update on a permanent basis the county database of in-service training for the teaching staff in the county/Bucharest.
  • to draw up, update and handle the procedures for the specific activities of their post.
  • to provide counselling and assistance to teachers registered for the examinations for a definitive teacher degree and teaching degrees I and II.

The school inspector for educational projects monitors the implementation of national programmes for institutional development and human resources development initiated by the Ministry of Education, as well as projects conducted in educational partnership by educational establishments and/or related establishments in the framework of programmes funded from non-reimbursable EU funds in the area of education and training.

The school inspector for out-of-school activities has the following duties

  • to monitor out-of-school activities of schools at county level/in Bucharest (the schedule of out-of-school activities, national, regional, county out-of-school projects and programmes, out-of-school competitions, trips, camps, etc.).
  • to monitor activities carried out in children’s palaces and clubs at county level/in Bucharest, as well as the application of the Rules for the organisation and functioning of children’s palaces and clubs, laid down by an order of the Education Minister.
  • to monitor school counselling and guidance in schools at county level/in Bucharest.
  • to verify and evaluate out-of-school activities organised out of school premises in partnership with economic operators, foundations, associations, non-governmental organisations, cults and other legal and natural persons, in compliance with the legislation in force.
  • to develop educational partnerships with governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, private organisations, similar institutions in the country of from abroad, in compliance with the legislation in force.
  • to increase the efficiency of non-formal learning for the purpose of improving the quality of education, reducing school dropout and absenteeism, increasing school-related motivation, as well as for promoting lifelong learning.

The conditions of service of school inspectors are set out in the Status of the Teaching Staff, various orders of the Education Minister and the job descriptions set out by the Ministry of Education. The job description, signed by the two parties – the employee and the employer – becomes an annex of the employment contract.

As part of their service obligations, the inspectors in school inspectorates have the obligation to teach 2 lessons per week. Their workload is 40 hours per week, including their class teaching obligation. School inspectors organise their own work time so as to meet their service obligations stipulated by the legislation.

When they act in schools in the context of their work, school inspectors must observe a particular code of professional conduct laid down in the Rules for the organisation of school inspection.

After completing their activity in a particular position, school inspectors may return to their chairs or teaching posts they held before their inspector position or they may compete again for the same position or for another management, guidance and control position.

The conditions of service and the tasks of inspectors in the Ministry of Education employed in guidance and control positions are laid down in the Rules for the organisation and functioning of the Ministry of Education, various orders of the Education Minister, as well as in job descriptions. The job description, signed by the two parties – the employee and the employer – becomes an annex of the employment contract.

The inspectors in the Ministry of Education, employed in guidance and control positions may also have teaching hours, within the time limits provided for by the Labour Code. Their workload is 40 hours per week, without teaching hours. School inspectors organise their own work time so as to meet their service obligations stipulated by the legislation.

Individual performance of staff employed in guidance and control positions is evaluated annually, as appropriate, by the Education Minister for employees of the Ministry of Education or by the general school inspector, for employees of school inspectorates.

Their evaluation is similar to the evaluation of teachers except that it focuses on their specific duties set out in the job description.

Considering that all management, guidance and control positions in school education are occupied by teaching staff for definite periods of time, all general provisions of the legislation concerning teaching staff apply as appropriate.

Guidance and control staff receive salary entitlements according to their positions, as well as other bonuses and indemnities stipulated by law for their activity.