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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Educational support and guidance


12.Educational support and guidance

Last update: 27 November 2023


The National Education Law states that the state ensures to Romanian citizens equal access to all levels and forms of pre-university and higher education and lifelong learning without any form of discrimination. The same rights are ensured to nationals of other Member States of the European Union Member EES and the Swiss Confederation.

One of the principles governing pre-university, higher education and lifelong learning in Romania is the principle of equity - under which access to learning is done without discrimination. 

The same law states that education can be supported through scholarships, study loans, fees, donations, sponsorships, own sources and other legal sources.

The state guarantees the right to education of all persons with special educational needs. Special education and integrated special education are part of the national schools. 

Special education and integrated special education is a form of adapted differentiated education and a form of educational social and health assistance designed for people with special educational needs.

Special education is provided in special education school units. Integrated special education is organized in mainstream education.

The state provides a number of facilities and support to ensure participation in the education of all students, including those with learning difficulties and those with special educational needs. The students which, in the place of residence, have not the opportunity to learn in a school will be supported by the reimbursement of transport to the nearest school or receive free accommodation and meals in boarding school, except those enrolled in post high-school.

For children with special educational needs or immovable for medical reasons, education can be organized at home or near to health care units.