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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for academic staff in higher education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.4Initial education for academic staff in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

The minimum requirements regarding initial training of the teachers depend on the teaching position that prospective teachers are intending to occupy.

In higher education, teaching positions are as follows (Law 1/2011, article 285):

  • Assistant lecturer (asistent universitar)
  • Lecturer (lector universitar/sef de lucrãri)
  • Associate professor (conferenţiar universitar)
  • Professor (profesor universitar)

In higher education, the research positions are:

  • research assistant;
  • researcher (equivalent to the position of university assistant with a doctoral degree);
  • 3rd degree researcher (equivalent to the position of university lecturer );
  • 2nd degree researcher (equivalent to the position of associate professor);
  • 1st grade scientific researcher (equivalent to the position of university professor).

The minimum initial training requirements for each teaching position are as follows (Law 1/2011, art. 301):

For the position of assistant lecturer - obtaining the status of doctoral student or holding a doctoral diploma, as well as fulfilling the standards of occupying the teaching positions, specific to the position, approved by the university senate, without imposing any conditions of seniority, according to the law. A person who has not obtained a doctoral degree cannot hold the position of assistant lecturer in a certain higher education institution for a cumulative period of more than 5 years. At the expiration of this term, the employment contract of the person concerned ceases legally.

For the position of university lecturer - holding a doctoral diploma; meeting the standards of occupation of the teaching positions, specific to the position, approved by the university senate, without imposing any conditions of seniority, according to the law.

For the position of associate professor - holding a doctoral degree; meeting the minimum standards for the position of university lecturer, approved standards developed by the National Council for Certification of University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU); meeting the standards of occupying the teaching positions, specific to the position, approved by the university senate, without imposing any conditions of seniority, according to the law.

For the position of professor - holding a doctoral diploma; holding the title of doctoral supervisor; meeting the minimum standards for the position of university lecturer, approved standards developed by the National Council for the Certification of University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU); meeting the standards of occupying the teaching positions, specific to the position, approved by the university senate, without imposing any conditions of seniority, according to the law.