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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and education staff

9.7Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023


According to the Occupational Standard for Trainer of the National Authority of Qualificatins (NAQ), the trainer is the specialist in training who designs, delivers, evaluates and reviews theoretical/ practical activities or programmes of training and professional skills development, in specialized institutions or in the workplace.

This occupational standard is in force for all fields of qualifications in which the trainer works, and it is applied to all categories of trainers:

  • the trainer responsible with theoretical and practical activities of skills development irrespective the level of qualification
  • the trainer responsible with practical activities of development of the professional training
  • the schoolmaster of practice from enterprises and other organizations
  • the apprenticemaster and,
  • the trainer of trainers.

The trainer is the attested person who coordinates the professional training of the adults.

Starting with January 1, 2010, in order to be authorized, the training providers must prove that they carry out the training programs with trainers who have the specific pedagogical training for adult vocational training and the specialized training corresponding to the training program.

Also, the legislation conditions the authorization of the professional training providers, which wish to organize professional training programs finalized with nationally recognized Qualification or Graduation Certificates.

Professional training providers’ authorization is for a period of 4 years with the possibility of renewing, at the request of the provider. The authorization is granted for each of the occupations/ qualifications/ key skills/ transversal skills for which professional training providers organize training programs for adults.

The proffessional training providers for adults must prove that they deliver the trainings with trainers who have the profile and the speciality suitable to the curricula of the training program, or who have specific and pedagogical training for adults suitable to the occupational standards.

There are required documents such as:

  • Europass CV of every trainer, in which to be detailed the experience in speciality according to the training programme and the specific training for adults education according to the occupational standard
  • diplomas and certificates outlining that the trainer has the suitable specialization for curricula and for specific adults education training
  • the proof of pedagocial training specific for adults education training (according to Instructions for the preparation and the presentation of the documents by the training provider approved by Resolution No. 3 of 11 March 2015 of the Board of Directors of the National Authority for Qualifications - NAQ).

There are subjects of the authorization only the professional training providers which wish to issue certificates of qualification or graduation with national recognition.

Other professional training providers may organize training programs finalized with own graduation documents, but not nationally recognized certificates.