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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Developments and current policy priorities


8.Adult education and training

8.2Developments and current policy priorities

Last update: 27 November 2023

Elaboration and adoption of the National Qualification Framework – Government Decision no. 918/2013 and Government Decision no. 567/ 2015


Elaboration and adoption of the National Strategy for Lifelong Learning – Government Decision - 418/ June 2015


Methodology for accreditation, periodic evaluation, organization and functioning of community centers for lifelong learning – Government Decision no. 598/2017


Methodology for establishing the criteria and procedures for evaluation and certification of professional competencies evaluators, evaluator evaluators and external evaluators has entered into force - Order of the Ministry of National Education no. 3.629 of May 2, 2018)


Methodology for the elaboration, validation, approval and management of occupational standards and the model of occupational standard - Order no. 3712 / 1.721 / 2018 of May 21, 2018


List of specializations and trainings for which adult vocational training providers have the right to organize vocational training programs completed with graduation certificates with national recognition for university graduates - Order no. 1151/4115/2018


Draft Decision approving the Methodology for implementing the principles for quality assurance in the field of adult vocational training (2019, in public debate)