The state carries out its responsibilities in the area of lifelong learning through the Ministry of National Education, the Parliament, the Government, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly, the Ministry of Culture and National Patrimony, the Ministry of Health, as well as the Ministry of Administration and the Interior. The Law 167/2013 that changes and completes the Government Decision 129/2000 on adult training states that adult training ending with a certificate of qualification or a certificate of completion with national recognition and/or a certificate of professional competence is an activity of general interest and a part of the national education and training system. Ministry of National Education and Scientific ResearchThe Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research has the following responsibilities:
The Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection and ElderlyThe Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection and Elderly has the following responsibilities:
The Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and Elderly coordinates and controls the authorization of the adult vocational training providers, manages the national registers of the adult vocational training providers, as well as the regulation of the quality assurance system in the adult training. The Ministry of CultureThe Ministry of Culture has the following responsibilities:
Ministries and central authorities may have responsibilities in the field of education and training for the professions regulated by special laws. The continuous training of personnel from public defence, public order and national security institutions is regulated, within the meaning of the National Education Law, by their own orders and instructions issued by their leaders. The National Qualifications AuthorityThe National Qualifications Authority has the following responsibilities starting with the school year 2017 - 2018: a) elaborates, implements and updates the National Qualifications Framework and the National Qualifications Register based on the correlation with the European Qualifications Framework b) proposes to the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research elements of national policies and strategies, normative acts regarding the national system of qualifications and the development of human resources c) coordinates and controls at national level the elaboration of occupational standards and professional training standards d) participates in the elaboration of plans or programs of national interest in the field of qualifications and professional training of adults e) submit to the sectoral committees, for the purpose of validation, the occupational standards elaborated on the basis of the methodology approved by common order of the minister of national education and scientific research and of the minister of labour, family, social protection and the elderly f) coordinates the authorization of the centres of evaluation of the professional competences obtained in non-formal and informal system and manages the national register of the centres of evaluation of the professional competences. The Community Centres for Lifelong LearningThe Community Centres for Lifelong Learning have the role of implementing the lifelong learning policies and strategies at local level. They operate on the basis of the Methodology for accreditation, periodic evaluation, organization and functioning of the community centers for lifelong learning, approved by GD no. 598/2017. The responsibilities of the centres are the following:
8.Adult education and training
8.1Distribution of responsibilities
Last update: 27 November 2023