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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Lifelong learning strategy


2.Organisation and governance

2.2Lifelong learning strategy

Last update: 27 November 2023

In recent years, Romania has included the principles of lifelong learning in policy documents as priorities in the area of education, continuous training and employment.

Examples of such documents are the Strategy Education and Research for the Knowledge Society and the new National Education Law (Law no 1/2011).

Progress has been made in identifying strategic priorities and directions for action in the area of lifelong learning such as recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning, educational and vocational guidance and counselling throughout life and in-service learning systems.  

With regard to the recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning, among the  advances recently made by Romania, it is worth to refer to:

Assessment and certification of competences acquired in informal and non-formal learning contexts through the Centres for the Assessment and Certification of Professional Competences authorised by the National Qualification Authority. 

Introduction of tools developed at European level:

  • Europass

  • Youthpass

  • Europass Language Passport

  • Europass Mobility

  • Europass Diploma Supplement

  • Europass Certificate Supplement (that facilitate the voluntary recognition of competences and qualifications).

The National Agency for EU Programmes in the Area of Education and Training acts as a National Europass and Youthpass Centre and manages the completion and issuance of the above mentioned documents together with the issuing bodies.

  •  Implementation of systems that assess the competences of young people who wish to benefit from second chance programmes – a process initiated by the Ministry of Education with the implementation of the Phare Access to Education programmes.

  •  Programmes of the National Employment Agency for the assessment and certification of competences of Romanian citizens who worked abroad and then returned to Romania.

The National Life Long Learning Strategy 2015-2020

National Life Long Learning Strategy 2015 -2020  was adopted in June 2015.


The objectives of the National Lifelong Learning Strategy 2015-2020 are to increase participation in lifelong learning and improve the relevance of education and training systems for the labor market.

In line with the EU target, Romania's main strategic objective for 2020 is that at least 10% of the adult population (aged 25-64) should participate in lifelong learning activities.

Strategic pillars

These objectives are covered by the three strategic pillars that include coordination, funding and regulatory actions:

Pillar 1: Access and incentives for participation;

Pillar 2: Quality and relevance; and

Pillar 3: Partnerships for a better information.

Directions for action

The proposed directions for action address directly the identified constraints on participation in lifelong learning: reduced and asymmetric information, insufficient incentives and inadequate capacity.

Pillar 1 - Directions for action:

• Financing for increased lifelong learning demand

• Supporting unemployed and inactive people, including financial incentives and counseling

• Financing for diversifying lifelong learning offer

• Strengthening and securing funding to boost the lifelong learning market including through improved counseling services

• Support participation in European mobility programs

• Involvement of vocational and technical education and higher education institutions in lifelong learning

• Recognition of previous learning, including skills gained abroad.

Pillar 2 - Directions for action:

• Improving the quality and availability of information

• Assessing skills needs and developing a more comprehensive set of competencies

• Involvement of vocational and technical education institutions of higher education institutions in lifelong learning

• Strengthening and securing funding to boost the lifelong learning market including through improved counseling services

• Improve the National Qualifications Framework and strengthen stakeholder coordination

• Creation of a quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation system for lifelong learning.

Pillar 3 - Directions for action:

• Strengthening and securing funding to boost the lifelong learning market including through improved counseling services

• Improve the National Qualifications Framework and strengthen stakeholders coordination

Target groups

This strategy broadly targets two types of target groups: the main beneficiaries of lifelong learning and implementing organizations and agencies, which will play an important role in increasing lifelong learning opportunities.

Key beneficiaries include: persons with previously acquired skills recognition (including for Romanians living abroad), staff of higher education institutions and vocational and technical education establishments, adult participants in training in continuous vocational and technical education, disadvantaged groups or under-represented (e.g. unemployed, early school leavers, Roma people, elderly employees, low-skilled workers, people with disabilities), National Qualifications Authority staff and sectoral committee members.

Implementation of National Strategy of Lifelong Learning is expected to serve approximately 1.6 million people between 2015-2020.

Implementing organizations and agencies involved in this strategy include Ministry of Education, National Authority of Qualifications, universities, NGOs, training providers, assessment centers, and Community Learning Centers.