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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 27 November 2023

The auxiliary teaching positions set out in National Education Law 1/2011, with its subsequent amendments and additions, are the following:

  • librarian (bibliotecar), documentarist (documentarist), editor (redactor),
  • informatician (informatician),
  • laboratory worker (laborant),
  • technician (technician),
  • school pedagogue (pedagog-şcolar),
  • instructor animator (instructor-animator), out-of-school education instructor (instructor de educaţie extraşcolară)
  • social assistant (asistent social)
  • répétiteur (corepetitor)
  • school mediator (mediator școlar)
  • secretary (secretar)
  • asset administrator (administrator de patrimoniu)
  • financial administrator (administrator financiar)
  • referee (referent)
  • auditor (auditor)
  • legal counsellor (consilier juridic).

The Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, is authorised to establish new auxiliary teaching positions depending on the dynamics of education. 

The minimum requirements concerning the initial training for each auxiliary teaching position are those below:

  • For the positions of librarian, documentarist and editor – graduation with a diploma examination (a degree) from the library science section of an educational institution or graduation from other educational institutions which provided for their graduates, during schooling, the specific subjects in the area of library science. The positions of librarian, documentarist and editor may also be occupied by other higher education graduates, post-secondary graduates or high-school graduates with a diploma, for a definite period of time, if they had an initiation course in the area.
  • For the position of informatician – a degree from a higher education institution or graduation with a diploma in the field from a post-secondary school or a high-school.  
  • For the positions of laboratory worker and technician – graduation with a diploma examination in the profile of the post from a post-secondary school or a high-school, followed by an initiation course in the field, as provided for the Ministry of Education.
  • For the position of school pedagogue – graduation from high-school with a baccalaureate diploma. 
  • For the position of instructor-animator – a degree from a higher education institution, graduation from a post-secondary school, a pedagogical high-school or an equivalent school and special courses for the certificate of aptitudes for this position. 
  • For the position of instructor for out-of-school education – a degree from a higher education institution, graduation from a post-secondary school in the field or from a pedagogical high-school or an equivalent school or graduation from other high-school and special courses for a qualification certificate for this position.
  • For the position of social assistant – graduation from a higher education institution with this profile, short or long cycle, with a degree examination or final examination, or graduation from a post-secondary sanitary school or a post-secondary school for child carers-educators.
  • For the position of répétiteur – graduation from a high-school in the field. 
  • For the position of school mediator – a bachelor degree in social assistance or graduation with a baccalaureate diploma from a pedagogical high-school, in the specialisation school mediator, or graduation with a baccalaureate diploma from any high-school, followed by a training course in the specialisation school mediator recognised by the Ministry of Education.
  • For the position of secretary – a degree from a higher education institution or graduation from high-school with a baccalaureate diploma or graduation of post-secondary education with the specialty of technician for secretarial activities. 
  • For the position of financial administrator – compliance with the conditions stipulated by the legislation in force for the positions of accountant, chief accountant.
  • For the position of asset administrator – compliance with the conditions stipulated by the legislation in force for the positions of engineer/sub-engineer, economist. 

The selection, recruitment and employment of auxiliary teaching staff are based on a competition (an open recruitment procedure). Employees are hired in a post by the headteacher, with the approval of the school board.

The structure and the number of posts for auxiliary teaching positions in every school are determined by the school inspectorate, based on staffing criteria set by the Ministry of Education for every category of staff.

Depending on their size, schools may also hire the following categories of non-teaching staff (employment in each position is made by the headteacher based on an open recruitment procedure):

  • typist (dactilograf)
  • maintenance and cleaning staff.

The weekly hours for auxiliary teaching staff is identical with the hours provided for by law for the staff in equivalent positions in other state-budgeted sectors. Their tasks are set out in the job description of each post. 

For each auxiliary teaching position, the headteacher has an obligation to develop an accurate job description. The job description is signed by the employee and the employer and becomes an annex to the employment contract.