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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Main providers


8.Adult education and training

8.3Main providers

Last update: 27 November 2023

According to the Law of Education no.1/2011, the main providers of formal adult  education are:

  • education and training centres in ministries or local public authorities
  • public and private providers of education and training certified / accredited under the law
  • governmental or non-governmental organizations that offer programs authorized under law
  • employers who offer their own training programs employees (for example, apprenticeship at work, internships).

The houses of the teaching staff are resource centers and educational and managerial assistance for the staff teachers and auxiliary teachers and can be accredited as providers of lifelong learning.

Main providers of non-formal adult education  may be: workplace, cultural institutions such as museums, theatres, cultural centres, libraries, documentation centres, cinemas, cultural centres, professional and cultural associations, trade unions, NGOs.


The Community Centres for Lifelong Learning  can be established as public institutions of local subordination or as activities next to a local subordination institution financed entirely from the local budget, provided that the maximum number of positions of the territorial administrative unit, approved by the budget, is included.

These can be financed from own revenues of local authorities, grants, or other types of internal and/or external financing, donations, sponsorships, participation fees, which are approved as special taxes. Although they can be attended by both children and adults, their main purpose is to encourage adults between the ages of 25 and 64 to participate in lifelong learning activities.