In every county, there is a county centre for educational assistance and resources (CJRAE) and the Bucharest Centre for Educational Assistance and Resources (CMBRAE) in Bucharest as related establishments of school education, with a legal person status, subordinated to the Ministry of Education and methodologically coordinated by the county school inspectorates. CJRAE/CMBRAE are institutions of special integrated education specialising in providing, coordinating and monitoring specific educational services for children/students, teachers, parents and community members, to ensure access to quality education for all, as well as the necessary assistance for that purpose.
CJRAE/CMBRAE coordinates, monitors and evaluates, at county level/in Bucharest, the activity of the county centre for psychological-pedagogical assistance (CJAP)/Bucharest Centre for Psychological-Pedagogical Assistance (CMBAP) and of psychological-pedagogical assistance offices and interschool speech therapy offices and centres and collaborates with school centres for inclusive education to ensure specialised educational services, and coordinates, monitors and evaluates specialised school mediation services.
Interschool speech therapy centres are organised as special integrated educational establishments to ensure the necessary support for students with speech deficiencies. Speech therapy centres employ speech therapist teachers qualified in special psychology-pedagogy, psychology or pedagogy; their obligation is to guide and support teachers with regard to methods for developing and correcting language for children with speech deficiencies.
Psychological-pedagogical assistance offices function within school education establishments and provide psychological-pedagogical assistance for a number of 800 students or 400 preschoolers.
Schools with less than 800 students benefit from psychological-pedagogical assistance services provided by an interschool psychological-pedagogical assistance office.
An interschool psychological-pedagogical assistance office provides psychological-pedagogical assistance services for at least two schools that add up to a number of 400 preschoolers or 800 students.
The teaching positions in psychological-pedagogical centres and facilities are:
- psychologist-pedagogue teacher (profesor-psihopedagog)
- psychologist teacher (profesor-psiholog)
- sociologist teacher (profesor sociolog)
- speech therapist teacher (profesor-logoped)
- school counsellor (consilier şcolar).
The teaching positions in interschool speech therapy centres and offices are: speech therapist teacher (profesor-logoped), qualified in special psychology-pedagogy, psychology or pedagogy.
The workload of a school counsellor is that provided for a school counsellor post in a psychological-pedagogical assistance office or an interschool psychological-pedagogical assistance office and is determined in relation to a number of 500 students, 500 students and preschoolers, or 300 preschoolers. The specific activities included in the workload are set out in a regulation approved by the Education Minister.
The workload for a school counsellor teacher at CJAP/CMBAP is 40 hours/week, distributed as follows:
- 18 hours/week consisting in:
- psychological-pedagogical assistance activities carried out individually and collectively with preschoolers/students.
- counselling
- guidance
- school and career guidance
- parent and teacher counselling activities.
- 22 de hours/week consisting in:
- methodological-scientific and complementary training activities,
- determining measures and designing programmes for psychological-pedagogical intervention and evaluation,
- scientific research activities,
- collaboration with local communities,
- participation in meetings with parents, in methodological commissions and pedagogical councils on specific themes,
- centralisation of data for developing information materials on topics of school and career guidance at county level,
- designing and implementing programmes for career information and counselling,
- development of sociopsychological-pedagogical studies.
The workload for a school counsellor teacher in psychological-pedagogical assistance offices is 40 de hours/week, distributed as follows:
- 18 hours/week consisting in:
- psychological-pedagogical assistance activities, carried out individually and collectively with preschoolers/students,
- guidance,
- school and occupational guidance,
- counselling activities for preschoolers, students, parents, teachers,
- activities/classes in the framework of the school-based curriculum, depending on the requests of the school concerned and in accordance with the framework curriculum.
- 22 de hours/week consisting in:
- methodological-scientific and complementary training activities,
- determining measures and designing programmes for psychological-educational prevention and intervention,
- methodological-scientific activities,
- collaboration with local communities,
- participation in meetings and lectures for parents, in methodological commissions and teacher councils on specific topics.
A school counsellor teacher in psychological-pedagogical assistance offices has the following obligations in the school where they work:
- to set, approve and display the working hours at the psychological-pedagogical assistance office.
- to present to the teacher council of the school a semester activity report containing information about: the number of children/students, parents, teachers who benefitted from psychological-pedagogical counselling and assistance services, ameliorative measures proposed for crisis situations, special situations and measures taken to solve/improve them, other information requested by the school concerned.
- to collaborate with the teaching staff of the school where they work.
- to participate in teacher councils, meetings with parents and, as appropriate, in other actions organised by the school.
- to organise lectures for parents on specific topics.
- to participate, at the school’s request, in various educational projects and programmes.
Because speech therapy centres and psychological-pedagogical assistance centres and offices hire teaching staff, all legal provisions referring to qualifications, conditions of service, the mobility of teaching staff, salary, termination of employment and retirement, etc. apply as appropriate.
The areas of competence for the teaching staff in CJAP/CMBAP and in psychological-pedagogical assistance offices are stipulated in the job descriptions and are accompanied by evaluation forms. Job descriptions and evaluation forms are developed and endorsed annually by the director of CJRAE/CMBRAE, with the approval of the board, based on a proposal of the CJAP/CMBAP coordinator. These documents are used in the annual evaluation of school counsellor teachers.