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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Education Staff Responsible for Guidance in Early Childhood and School Education


10.Management and other education staff

10.3Education Staff Responsible for Guidance in Early Childhood and School Education

Last update: 18 December 2023

Education Staff Responsible for Guidance in Early Childhood and School Education


Starting Salary Scale

Maximum Salary Scale


Early Intervention Support Practitioners



MQF Level 6 degree in Psychology or Communication Therapy or Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy or Inclusive and Special Education and/or Learning Disabilities.

*After five years satisfactory service in the grade in Salary Scale 10, will progress to salary scale 9; After a further eight years in salary scale 9 will progress to salary scale 8; An Education Support Practitioner (Salary Scale 10) or an Education Support Practitioner (Salary Scale 9) or an Educational Support Practitioner (Salary Scale 8) who obtain a relevant MQF Level 7 qualification as determined by Management from time to time shall immediately be placed in Salary Scale 8 as a Senior Education Support Practitioner and will eventually progress to salary scale 7 after five years satisfactory service in salary scale 8.

Education Support Practitioner (Early Intervention)



MQF Level 6 degree in one of the areas of education, social work, youth work, psychology, or any related field.

*After five years satisfactory service in the grade in Salary Scale 10, will progress to salary scale 9; After a further eight years in salary scale 9 will progress to salary scale 8; An Education Support Practitioner (Salary Scale 10) or an Education Support Practitioner (Salary Scale 9) or an Educational Support Practitioner (Salary Scale 8) who obtain a relevant MQF Level 7 qualification as determined by Management from time to time shall immediately be placed in Salary Scale 8 as a Senior Education Support Practitioner and will eventually progress to salary scale 7 after five years satisfactory service in salary scale 8.

Reach Unit Teacher



MQF Level 7 degree in Teaching and Learning, or 

(i) any other qualification recognized by the Education Act and its subsidiary legislations obtained prior 2021 leading to the award of a teacher’s warrant and in possession of a permanent teacher’s warrant;

(ii) suitably qualified teachers with a Temporary Teacher’s Warrant who will eventually qualify for a Permanent Teacher’s Warrant.

*after eight years satisfactory service in the grade on Salary scale 9 will progress to salary scale 8 and after a further eight years satisfactory service in Salary Scale 8, will progress to salary scale 7.




MQF Level 5 Certificate (30 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent) in Inclusive Education or a comparable qualification.

*A Learning Support Educator I will progress to Scale 14 after five years satisfactory service in the grade in Salary Scale 15 will progress to Scale 14; and to further progress to Scale 13 after another five years satisfactory service in the grade in Salary Scale 14




MQF Level 5 diploma 

(60 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent) in Inclusive Education or a comparable qualification;




MQF Level 6 degree or higher (180 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent) in Inclusive Education or a comparable qualification

* on completion of five   years service in the grade of LSE III in Salary Scale 10

Literacy and Numeracy Support Teachers



MQF Level 7 degree in Teaching and

Learning, or

(i) any other qualification recognized by the Education Act and its subsidiary legislations obtained prior 2021 leading to the award of a teacher’s warrant and in possession of a permanent teacher’s warrant ,or

(ii) suitably qualified teachers with a Temporary Teacher’s Warrant who will eventually qualify for a Permanent Teacher’s Warrant. 

Five scholastic years teaching experience in the Primary sector;

*after eight years satisfactory service in the grade on Salary scale 9 will progress to salary scale 8 and after a further eight years satisfactory service in Salary Scale 8, will progress to salary scale 7.

Senior Allied Health Occupational Therapists



MQF Level 6 degree (180 ECTS/ECVET credits or equivalent) in Occupational Therapy or an equivalent, recognised comparable qualification and in possession of a certificate of registration in Occupational Therapy by the Council for Professions Complimentary to Medicine in Malta.

* As a Senior Allied Health Professional (Occupational Therapist in Salary Scale 8), with a relevant MQF Level 7 degree (90 ECTS / ECVET credits or equivalent) or MQF Level 8 degree with two years satisfactory service as Senior Allied Health Professional and certificate of successful completion of the Competency Programme and Evaluation Framework (CAF).

Senior Allied Health Speech and Language Pathologists




* with MQF Level 5 Diploma (60 

ECTS/ECVETS or equivalent), in Communication Therapy or a comparable professional qualification and registered in the appropriate discipline by the Council for Professions Complimentary to Medicine in Malta

** with relevant MQF Level 6 Degree (180 ECTS/ECVETS credits or equivalent) in Communication Therapy or a comparable professional qualification and registered in the appropriate discipline by the Council for Professions Complimentary to Medicine in Malta.

*** after completion of two years service in Salary Scale 10 or in possession of a relevant MQF Level 7 (60 ECTS/ECVET credits) and with two  years satisfactory allied health professional service with Government.

 Upon being placed in Salary Scale 8 Speech and Language Pathologists will have to undertake the competency programme and evaluation framework in order to progress further in the relevant career path as further detailed in other clauses of the Sectoral Agreement pertaining to Allied Health Professionals.

Senior Education Practitioners (Psychotherapy)



* An Education Support Practitioner in Salary Scale 10 will progress to Salary Scale 9 on completion of five years service as an Education Support Practitioner in Salary Scale 10, subject to satisfactory performance. 

An Education Support Practitioner in Salary Scale 9 will progress to Salary Scale 8 on completion of eight years service as an Education Support Practitioner in Salary Scale 9, subject to satisfactory performance.

An Education Support Practitioner (Salary Scale 10) or an Education Support Practitioner (Salary Scale 9) or an Educational Support Practitioner (Salary Scale 8) who obtain a relevant MQF Level 7 qualification as determined by Management from time to time shall immediately be placed in Salary Scale 8 as a Senior Education Support Practitioner and shall continue to progress as per provisions regulating the grade of Senior Education Support Practitioner as found in the agreement between the Government of Malta and the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) pertaining to the Student Support Services Grades 

Guidance Teachers



A full qualification at MQF Level 7 in Teaching and Learning, or

(i) any other qualification recognized by the Education Act and its subsidiary legislations obtained prior 2021 leading to the award of a teacher’s warrant and in possession of a permanent teacher’s warrant, or

(ii) suitably qualified teachers with a Temporary Teacher’s Warrant who will eventually qualify for a Permanent Teacher’s Warrant.

*after eight years satisfactory service in the grade on Salary scale 9 will progress to salary scale 8 and after a further eight years satisfactory service in Salary Scale 8, will progress to salary scale 7.

Principal Education Support Practitioner (Counselling)



A relevant warrant, where applicable, and a relevant MQF Level 7 degree in a field related to an area as identified by Management from time to time.  
*After six years of satisfactory service in the grade.

Senior Education Support Practitioner (Counselling)



A relevant warrant, where applicable, and a relevant MQF Level 7 degree in a field related to an area as identified by Management from time to time.  
*after five years of satisfactory in the grade).

Principal Education Support Practitioner (Career Advisor)



An MQF Level 7 degree (90 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent) in Career Guidance or other related field, or a comparable professional qualification, together with five years proven full-time experience in the respective field. 

* After six years satisfactory service in the grade. 

Senior Education Support Practitioner (Career Advisor)



An MQF Level 7 degree (90 ECTS/ECVET credits or equivalent) in Career Guidance or other related field, or a professional comparable qualification. 

* after five years of satisfactory service as SESP (salary scale 8).

Education Support Practitioner (Career Advisor) 


9* 8**

An MQF Level 6 degree (180 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent) in Education or Social Policy or Youth Work or Psychology or Sociology.

*on completion of five years satisfactory service as Education Support Practitioner in Salary scale 10. 

**after eight years satisfactory service as ESP in salary scale 9.

Psychology Assistant



An MQF Level 6 degree (minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent) in Psychology or a comparable professional qualification.

*on attainment of an (MQF Level 7) degree, or a higher qualification in a practitioner area of Psychology or an equivalent qualification from a recognised University or Institution, which is accepted by the Malta Psychology Profession Board for the eventual granting of a warrant to practice the profession of Psychology in Malta (after a period of supervised practice)

Psychology Practitioner



An MQF Level 7 degree (minimum of 90 ECTS/ECVET credits or equivalent) in Educational, Clinical or Counselling Psychology or an equivalent qualification in the areas mentioned from a recognized University or Institution that will lead to the attainment of a recognized warrant.

*on attainment of a warrant issued by the Malta Psychology Profession Board (MPPB) on completion of the necessary post-qualification experience




An MQF Level 7 degree (minimum of 90 ECTS/ECVET credits or equivalent) in Educational, Clinical or Counselling Psychology or an equivalent qualification in the areas mentioned from a recognized University or Institution; and registered as Psychologist with the Malta Psychology Profession Board; and in possession of a Warrant to practice the Profession of Psychology in Malta.

* After six years of satisfactory service in the grade

Senior Psychologist



Four years of warranted professional experience in Psychology, in a school setting

Managing Psychologist



In the Grade of Principal Psychologists (Salary Scale 5) and in possession of a PhD or PsyD (MQF Level 8) or equivalent, with a satisfactory service of at least four years within the grade or; In the Grade of Principal Psychologists (Salary Scale 5) with an aggregate of eight years as Senior or/and Principal Psychologist; In the Grade of Senior Psychologists (Salary Scale 6) with at least eight years of satisfactory service in the grade

Community Liaison Workers



An MQF Level 4 certificate in Maltese, English language and in one of the following languages; Serbian or Ukrainian or Russian;

An MQF Level 3 certificate in Computer and/or Digital Skills

Social Workers


9* 8** 7***

An MQF Level 6 degree (a minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent) in Social Work or an equivalent, recognised, comparable qualification

* After two years of satisfactory service in salary scale 10 and in possession of a relevant warrant to practice as a Social Worker. 
** after five years of satisfactory service in salary scale 9 or after 3 years of satisfactory service in salary scale 9 if in possession of a recognised and appropriate MQF Level 7 degree.

*** after three years of satisfactory service in salary scale 8 

Senior Social Worker



Social Worker in Salary Scale 8 or higher and 8 years of services as a warranted social worker or Social Worker in Salary Scale 8 or higher and 3 years of services as a warranted social worker and in possession of a relevant MQF Level 7 degree (minimum of 60 ECTS/ECVET credits)

*After five years of satisfactory service in the grade

Principal Social Worker



Senior Social Worker in Salary Scale 6 or Social Worker in Salary Scale 7 in possession of an MQF Level 7 qualification related to Social Work;  Social Workers in possession of an MQF Level 7 qualification related to Social Work and eight years experience in applied social work.

Visual Impairment Support Teacher



A full qualification at MQF Level 7 in Teaching and Learning, or

(i) any other qualification recognized by the Education Act and its subsidiary legislations obtained prior 2021 leading to the award of a teacher’s warrant and in possession of a permanent teacher’s warrant, or

(ii) suitably qualified teachers with a Temporary Teacher’s Warrant who will eventually qualify for a Permanent Teacher’s Warrant.

*after eight years satisfactory service in the grade on Salary scale 9 will progress to salary scale 8 and after a further eight years satisfactory service in Salary Scale 8, will progress to salary scale 7.

Hearing Impairment Support Teacher



A full qualification at MQF Level 7 in Teaching and Learning, or

(i) any other qualification recognized by the Education Act and its subsidiary legislations obtained prior 2021 leading to the award of a teacher’s warrant and in possession of a permanent teacher’s warrant, or

(ii) suitably qualified teachers with a Temporary Teacher’s Warrant who will eventually qualify for a Permanent Teacher’s Warrant.

*after eight years satisfactory service in the grade on Salary scale 9 will progress to salary scale 8 and after a further eight years satisfactory service in Salary Scale 8, will progress to salary scale 7.

Head of Department – Prefect of Discipline (HoD-PoD)



i. Teachers with seven (7) years teaching experience in a licensed school; or

ii. in possession of a recognised full qualification at MQF level 6 in Education,

or Social Work, or Youth Work or Psychology or other related field or a recognised appropriate comparable qualification as determined by the competent authorities and seven (7) years work experience in a related area

Head of Department (Inclusion)



(i) Confirmed in their current grade of Teacher and in possession of a Permanent Teachers Warrant; 

(a) in possession of a recognised qualification (Degree) at MQF Level 6 in Inclusive Education or a comparable professional qualification or arecognised Post-Graduate qualification at Diploma or Degree level at MQF Level 7 in Inclusive Education or a comparable professional qualification issued by an institution of higher education duly recognised by the Education Authorities; AND

(b) have not less than ten scholastic years teaching experience in a licensed school, or in an educational institution established under the Education Act (Capt. 327) or any other law regulating the education sector in Malta, of which at least five years would preferably be in a state school;OR

(ii) are confirmed in their current grade of Learning Support Educator III; AND

(a) in possession of a recognised qualification (Degree) at MQF Level 6 in Inclusive Education or a comparable professional qualification or arecognised Post-Graduate qualification at Diploma or Degree level at MQF Level 7 in Inclusive Education or a comparable professional qualification issued by an institution of higher education duly recognised by the Education Authorities; AND

(b) have not less than thirteen scholastic years performing Learning Support Educator duties in a licensed school, or in an educational institution established under the Education Act (Capt. 327) or any other law regulating the education sector in Malta; OR

(iii) are confirmed in their current grade of Learning Support Educator II; AND

(a) in possession of a recognised qualification (Diploma) at MQF Level 5 in Facilitating Inclusive Education or a comparable professional qualification in the field of education for students with a disability; AND

(b) in possession of a recognised qualification (Degree) at MQF Level 6 in Inclusive Education or a comparable professional qualification or a recognised Post-Graduate qualification at Diploma or Degree level at MQF Level 7 in Inclusive Education or a comparable professional qualification issued by an institution of higher education duly recognised by the Education Authorities; AND

(c) have not less than fifteen scholastic years performing Learning Support Educator duties in a licensed school, or in an educational institution established under the Education Act (Capt. 327) or any other law regulating the education sector in Malta.


Induction of teaching grades

Newly qualified teachers (NQTs) are requested to attend an induction seminar prior to the start of the scholastic year.  During this seminar, NQTs are given an overview of the various functions of the Directorates, legislation concerning education, and their role in schools. Besides, as from October 2010, following an agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT), mentoring and an induction period of one year were formally introduced as an integral condition of employment for all officers and employees within the Education Directorates, such induction being extended to two years for NQTs and NRTs. This period is over and above the three half-days induction seminar.

An induction coordinator, (such as an Assistant Head of School or a Head of Department), is chosen by the Head of School to co-ordinate the programme at school. The programme includes at least two formal meetings every term between the NQT and the mentor during which the mentor will give advice to the NQT about any challenges s/he might be facing. An agenda is set up for such meetings and a logbook is kept to record the minutes, events, outcomes and plans of action of such meetings. Consequently, a final report is drawn up by the mentor and forwarded to the Head of School for approval with a final, positive report being required for the NQT to be confirmed in her/his post as a teacher.

Continuous Professional Development

All teaching grades rendering a service in state schools are required to actively participating Management-driven Community of Professional Educators (CoPE) sessions and are also encouraged to take part in self-sought continuous professional development (CPD) sessions provided that these may be undertaken during/or outside normal on-site hours.

Management-driven COPE sessions include School Development Planning (SDP) and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions. The management have at its disposition a maximum of 40 hours during normal school hours of which 12 hours are to be dedicated to whole school development planning sessions. 

Self-sought CPD may be of three broad types:

Professional learning opportunities in a school /college setting;

Professional learning opportunities based on externally desinged programmes;

Professional learning opportunities based on self-development. 

This form of CPD allows for flexibility and relevance as it is the teacher who chooses the area of professional development.

Training organised by educational institutions

Tailormade training related to inclusion is available for all schools who apply for it at the Institute for Education

The National School Support Services also offers free training sessions to educators. Amongst other matters, training is offered on Inclusive Practices, Managing Behaviour and Addressing Bullying, Healthy Lifestyle and several other related matters. 

The SPLD Services (Specific Learning Difficulties Service) also offers free training. This unit forms part of the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes. This unit supports students with dyslexia and their teachers. A specialized library of books is also available free of charge.