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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in a lifelong learning approach


12.Educational support and guidance

12.8Guidance and counselling in a lifelong learning approach

Last update: 27 November 2023

Academic Guidance


There is no specific information.

Psychological counselling


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Career guidance


Employment agencies are responsible for guidance/counselling services delivered specially to disadvantaged target groups (mainly poorly qualified or unemployed). They provide information and counselling both for training and employment opportunities, ensuring in this way the necessary coherence between the training offer and the employment demand.


Professional information and counseling are a set of services provided free of charge to people looking for a job:

• providing information on the labor market and on the evolution of occupations;

• profiling and ranking in the level of employability: easy to occupy, medium to occupy, difficult to occupy and very difficult to occupy;

• developing the ability and self-confidence of people looking for a job, in order for them to make the decision regarding their own career;

• training in job search methods and techniques.

• guidance during the process of socio-professional integration at the new job.


The professional information and counseling are carried out by specialized centers, organized within the agencies for employment, as well as by other centers and service providers from the public or private sector, accredited, which conclude with the agencies for employment contracts, under the conditions of the law.

The information on the labor market, the establishment of the professional route, the evaluation and the self-evaluation are carried out by self-information, by providing individual or group counseling services offered, upon request, to the people looking for a job, or within the job clubs organized by the employment agencies.

Professional counseling and training in job search methods and techniques and job interview presentations are carried out by career guidance counselors, within career information and counseling centers or, upon request, within other organized forms of training.