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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Education staff responsible for guidance in early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.3Education staff responsible for guidance in early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

The training of education staff and staff in the field of special education is discussed in the chapter on initial education for teachers working in early childhood and school education.

Vocational guidance, study and career advisers

Vocational guidance, study and career advisers support young people and adults in the choice of vocation, study course or career. They help them make decisions through interviews, information and tests. Each canton maintains a coordinating body for occupational, study and careers advice. Depending on the size of the canton there may be additional regional occupational, study and careers advisory offices. The legal basis for occupational, study and careers advisers is the Vocational and Professional Education and Training Ordinance (VPETO). Training is offered at a higher education institution or at an institution recognised by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SEFI). It is carried out either as part of a psychology degree course with a relevant specialisation, or in the form of CET.


Specialist career guidance teachers

Specialist career guidance teachers support pupils in lower secondary level or in bridge-year courses with their choice of career, by inter alia supporting the personal development of the young people, providing an insight into the world of work and supporting young people in organising work placements. A number of providers offer additional part-time training courses over 1.5 to 2 years for prospective specialist career guidance teachers. The Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) recognises additional courses in the field of career guidance and career preparation at lower secondary level or in courses preparing for vocational education and training (bridge-year courses).


School social workers

School social workers counsel and support pupils and teachers in difficult social situations, offer support in classroom conflicts or crises, and carry out preventive work with groups or entire schools. Training to qualify as a school social worker generally takes the form of CET in school social work after training as a social worker. The training takes place at a university of applied sciences or a university.


School psychology services

School psychology services offer examination services and counselling for all involved in the school environment. Their duties include examining the readiness to start school and learning and behavioural problems, and advising parents, pupils and teachers and school authorities. Training to qualify as a school psychologist involves a university degree in psychology or in some cases educational science with a specialisation or CET in child and youth psychology or developmental psychology and CET in counselling or therapy. Depending on the canton a specific CET course may be required.



Legislative References

Verordnung über die Berufsbildung [Ordinance on Vocational and Professional Education and Training]